Creating Financial Wealth
In The 21st Century

Home Based Business Is Evolving And The Direct Marketing and Direct Selling Business Models Hold Huge Promise For Creating Financial Wealth For The Home Based Business Entrepreneur

If Creating Financial Wealth is a desire that you hold, direct marketing and direct selling business models are proving to be the home based businesses of choice.

There are 3 small yet incredibly powerful phrases that are synonymous with achieving huge success in small business and creating substantial financial wealth in the 21st century…

  • The Internet

  • Direct Selling

  • Home Based Business

The direct selling industry is proving to be a promising and exciting new frontier which is quickly emerging as the number one choice in the area of small home based business worldwide not only for creating financial wealth but providing the time freedom that so many in today's world are seeking.

If recent developments are any indication as to what appears as inevitable for the long term future, as it relates to creating financial wealth and the time freedom that comes with it, the leveraging power of the internet combined with the many direct selling and direct marketing models that are springing up as a result promises to be the big winner for those who recognize and choose to capitalize on this quickly emerging and rapidly expanding worldwide phenomenon.

The direct selling industry, not to be confused with MLM or network marketing business models, is taking the world by storm and is opening doors of potential for those who may have previously believed themselves unable to participate in and capitalize on the rapidly expanding home based business arena. In fact, the direct selling and direct marketing industry holds unprecedented promise for those who recognize and take action on this quickly emerging worldwide trend.

The Key To Success In Home Based Business Is Leverage

It's no secret that the key to success in any business is leverage. This holds especially true for the home based business owner.

The power of leverage enables the home based business entrepreneur to get his/her offering in front of the world, and with the extremely low costs of exercising that ability through the internet promises to make creating financial wealth much faster and far easier to attain due to dramatically reduced overhead that are often associated with conventional brick and mortar businesses.

The direct selling and direct marketing industry combined with the leveraging power of the internet provides a level of leveraging ability that has never before been experienced at any time in history.

The internet provides the home based business entrepreneur with an extremely powerful medium for leveraging individual effort and enables exposure to literally millions of people with the simple click of a button.

In a recent New York Times best selling book released by world renown economist and leading predictor of the world's economic trends, Paul Zane Pilzer, the internet and direct marketing specifically hold the largest potential for amassing financial wealth for the home based business entrepreneur.

According to Pilzer in his book The Next Millionaires released in 2006…

"Over the next decade, between 2006 and 2016 a MINIMUM of 10,000,000 new millionaires will be created in the US alone due in great part to the direct selling industry combined the simplicity of being enabled to reach a worldwide audience which is being made possible through the internet."

Pilzer goes on to explain how the internet has barely gotten started and how by taking advantage now of the enormous potential of the internet those who recognize and take action now will capitalize on it BIG TIME.

In The Next Millionaires, Pilzer also explains how and why home based business entrepreneurs will be among the richest in our new economy and how those who recognize and take action on the home based business explosion can find the greatest economic potential as well as restore what has been believed to be long lost family values in this current "technology gap."

To quote Pilzer…

"It will be a time when Americans and others from many of the world’s capitalist economies will return to their roots of individual family-owned businesses. And, with this return will come not just enormous personal wealth for those who get there first, but also will prove to provide as a result the restoration of moral and family values, the personal freedom, that come with owning your own home based business and provide a sense of security and "peace of mind" that come as a result of controlling your own destiny."

Direct Selling Doesn't Require Formal Educations
Or Specialized Knowledge And Training

Contrary to widespread traditionally held beliefs of years passed which keeps so many needlessly stuck in unfulfilling careers, it's no longer necessary to hold college degrees and possess extensive technical skills or business savvy to create substantial financial wealth in the the emerging online marketplace. The Direct selling and direct marketing industry in particular combined with the convenience and leveraging power of the internet is quickly changing all that.

Although advanced educations may have been a requirement in the corporate industrial age of the soon to be past, the rapidly evolving, quickly emerging and extremely user friendly technologies being offered today via the internet are opening doors for the average working class around the world ranging from the complete novice to seasoned business savvy executives and offering like never before, the opportunity to experience both the time as well as the financial freedom that having a home based business can provide, which until recently has been believed to be for only those of higher education and/or who possessed extensive marketing, business and/or technical skills.

Many of the direct selling business models emerging today are as easy as copy and paste with professional guidance provided in audio and video formats via the internet, providing needed and timely direction for those who might not otherwise have been provided the opportunity or the necessary direction to engage in and benefit from a home based business for themselves.

Some Unsettling Statistics Regarding Career Dissatisfaction

Even as advanced and user friendly as the latest in internet technologies have become, based on recently released statistics, it seems that the vast majority for whatever reason aren't recognizing and/or capitalizing on the enormous potential that has become available to them in the past few years.

In a recent CNN poll taken and released in 2006 some interesting yet at the same time very troubling statistics were revealed.

In it's poll, which included individuals primarily in the corporate arena, the CNN poll revealed that of the participants surveyed, 86 plus percent expressed dissatisfaction in their current jobs/careers.

While that may not come as a surprise, by digging a bit deeper you'll find that statistic combined with the fact that the number 1 cause of depression and anxiety in the world is due to unhappiness in the work place provides some pretty insightful clues that something is amiss and even more importantly that something needs to be done.

Based on my own findings the reason for this is due to limiting "beliefs" held by those who "perceive" themselves to be stuck in unfulfilling careers.

In my interaction with people from various walks of life these "beliefs" seem to be based primarily on past "conditioning" that the masses "perceive" themselves to be trapped with nowhere to turn and as a result choose to remain a prisoner of their own making.

The biggest reasons I've discovered for this "perceived" trap are ALWAYS due to unfounded yet "seemingly" real and what are "assumed" to be valid beliefs held.

The predominant reasons for this are…

  • A lack of awareness as to what's available to them

  • Believing they don't have the technical skills

  • Find the internet intimidating

  • Believe their too old to change

  • Unfounded beliefs that any opportunity claiming the ability to create financial wealth is a scam (This is a BIGGY)

  • Lack of belief in themselves and/or their abilities

Contrary to what many might "believe" to be true, the predominantly automated and user friendly direct selling and direct marketing business models of today can be quite literally implemented by a child and in some cases I've seen actual proof of this. In addition, the ability to amass substantial monetary wealth very quickly regardless of how "perceived" by the majority is very much a part of reality for many and happening each and every day as many sit on the sidelines allowing their belief systems to dominate and dramatically limit not only their lives but their lifestyles as well.

The Future Potential Of Direct Selling Through
Direct Marketing Business Models Is Quite Literally Limitless

The opportunities being made available through the direct selling and direct marketing business models of today offer immense potential and opportunity like no other time in history. Choosing to remain trapped in a displeasing and unfulfilling career is only due to a lack of awareness as to what is available.

Direct selling and the internet are sure to make an impact on those figures as soon to be home based business owners begin discovering and utilizing the vast, ever increasing and user friendly tools that are being created and enhanced almost daily and creating a newly emerging business world led by e-commerce as well as provide additional freedom and the restoration of family values that has long been believed to be a thing of the past.

In today's quickly evolving world, thanks to the convenience, simplicity and far reaching power of the internet literal fortunes can be, are and will continue to be amassed on an ever increasing scale by what most would consider to be average people.

There's no question that the internet, more specifically direct selling through the internet is the new and quickly emerging way of doing business around the world and those who recognize the limitless potential afforded through it's use early on and according to Paul Zane Pilzer, will no doubt advance to become the next millionaires in the worlds rapidly changing and quickly evolving business arena.

Is Creating Financial Wealth
A Desire That You Hold?

Do You Even "Believe" That You Can?

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