I'm pleased to announce that due to experiencing such rapid growth here at Enlightened Journey Enterprises, I decided it was time to hire an executive assistant to help with clerical tasks, answer phone calls, respond to e-mails etc. After receiving and reviewing an almost overwhelming number of resumes and interviewing thousands of well qualified applicants from around the globe, a decision has been made. Enlightened Journey has hired a new Executive Assistant who I feel very good about, believe is well qualified and will work out very well in serving our current as well as future clients. In addition, I wanted to make sure that you, as part of the Enlightened Journey family were both aware of and introduced to the executive assistant I chose. I've included a scanned copy of the resume as well as my personal response below, so you might become familiar with who you'll be communicating with as well as the stringent guidelines and employment policies we've incorporated and strictly adhere to at Enlightened Journey Enterprises...
Resimay to enlitened jurney enterprize To hoom it mae cunsern, I waunt to apply for the egzecutiv asistent job what I saw in the paper. I can Type realee quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.. I think I am good on the phone and I no I am a pepole person,Pepole really seam to respondto me well. Certain woman and all the men. I no my spelling is not to good but fi nd that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety and onisty. I am vary onist and beleeve tha t onisty is the best polocie to liv by. Becuz of that i must admid that i am ofen lait to mi jobs becuz i lik my sleep My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth, I can start emeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser. hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr. Sinseerly, Tifanny PS : Becuz my resimay is bit short - below is a pickture of me. |

Here's a copy of my response:Dear Tiffany , It's OK sweetheart, we have a pretty relaxed schedule here at Enlightened Journey Enterprises and no worries...we've got spell check. See you Monday...Welcome aboard.
Chuck Danes Founder/CEO P.S. We have a very relaxed dress code as well so feel free to dress as comfortably as you deem appropriate.
As Larry The Cable Guy would say... That's funny. I don't care who you are.
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