We interrupt your personal empowerment study to bring you the latest in breaking news....Latest Archaeological Discovery Believed To Be 10,000 Year Old Remains Of First PoliticianBreaking News From National Geographic Magazine....Reporter - Pam Eaton - Frankenmuth Michigan An archaeological team, digging in Washington DC, has recently uncovered what is believed to be the fossil remains of the first politician to have ruled some 10,000 years ago. Although at the time of this writing, the team is not 100% certain, based on the the few clues that have been uncovered thus far, combined with the physical positioning of the skeletal remains, all indications point to the fact that this assumption is valid. Lead Archaeologist Hans Mcgworkin could not be reached for comment at the time of release, but a spokesman for the team, speaking on condition of anonymity is quoted as saying that "It is 99.9% certain that what we have discovered is in fact one of the first politicians known to man based on the existing evidence that is currently available." Further research is underway, the results of which will be released as it becomes available....

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