The Law Of Abundance
Becoming Keenly Aware Of The Law Of Abundance
and The Unlimited Supply Already Available
To You Is The First Step For Receiving It

You Don't Have To Look Far To See
The Law Of Abundance In Action
Let's talk about Abundance shall we?
Namely yours.
Are you experiencing a kind and quality of life that you would label as abundant? Whether you are or whether you're not doesn't change the fact that the Law of Abundance
The Law Of Abundance is clearly evident anywhere and everywhere you look.
In fact, it, like all other Universal Laws (also referred to as Laws of Nature) exist everywhere at all times. It's a governing force that never errs and never wavers.
The tangible evidence of it's existence can be explored, examined and easily understood in a number of ways.
Thanks to many recent cutting edge 21st century scientific discoveries more and more people on a global scale are becoming aware of it, although our current education systems are sorely lacking in teaching our youth the relevance it holds in our lives.
And these are profound and amazing discoveries that transcend the obvious and clearly apparent physical abundance that abounds on this planet.
Yes...the Law of Abundance goes well beyond the physical realm.
Abundance exists and is thriving not only in a physical world that we can easily observe with our 5 human senses but beyond the physical in the unseen, metaphysical or spiritual realm as well.
When you choose to examine and explore The Law of Abundance at these greater depths, you can not only discover some powerful and life changing insights; profoundly transformational insights I might add, but also begin to "consciously" use those insights to personally experience the abundance that is and always has been readily available to you, me and everyone else...without exception and without limitation.
Let's take a closer look...
The way in which the Law of Abundance operates...say for example in nature is perhaps the simplest way to become aware of it's unwavering and immutable operation.
Consider this...
The entire Universe was created in such a way that doesn't require any human help or intervention whatsoever in producing an Abundance of all things far in excess of what could ever possibly be utilized by our world.
It is evident by the photo above that the Source (whatever you might perceive Source to be) is capable of producing unlimited abundance without the need for man's self-limiting and often times self destructive intervention.
This wondrous Law of Abundance is the universal principle that keeps our universe thriving, above and beyond what the average human mind can possibly conceive, imagine or comprehend.
Abundance abounds, not only on planet earth in the places that we are able to personally see and experience, but millions and trillions of light years into the cosmos as well.
The universe is continually producing, growing, expanding and thriving in an endless cycle of plenty. Lack and Limitation are not perceived by this wondrous planet that we call home.
You could say that Abundance and the law that drives and sustains it is Infinite in nature. Literally Infinite in nature.
In fact The Law of Abundance stretches far beyond our limited physical capabilities of comprehension although this understanding can be tapped into and benefited from once you become consciously aware of it's existence and then making the choice to understand how and why it works as it does.
The most recent scientific discoveries as they pertain to the Law of Abundance are clearly evident in a tangible and measurable kind of way by recent photos received from the Hubble Telescope. If you're unfamiliar with the Hubble Telescope it's a powerful device constantly returning pictures to earth that clearly reveals what scientists refer to as black energy is continually expanding outward creating new stars, planets, solar systems and dimensions far beyond what their equipment can possibly detect.
And that is BILLIONS of light years. No need to get into mind bending techy scientific lingo. In layman's terms, even 1 light year is a LONG WAY out there!!
Trying to imagine BILLIONS of light years into space would take away from our primary focus which is intended to assist you in not only understanding but learning how to put the Law of Abundance to work for you in the physical, financial, relational, mental, emotional and/or spiritual aspects of your life.
Here's what's truly amazing...
As advanced as technology has become, discovering planets, solar systems billions of light years into space, it is realized and openly admitted within the scientific community, that what scientists have discovered thus far, has barely scratched the surface as to what what lies outside of our limited technological boundaries.
But what they have discovered is quite sufficient to convince even the greatest skeptic that the Law of Abundance abounds.
It is quite literally impossible to fathom the vastness of infinity and comprehend the abundance which exists outside of the realms of our limited human awareness.
Even within the earth's boundaries, new species of plant life, animals, and fish are being created and discovered everyday.
The Law Of Abundance abounds everywhere that we can see and beyond.
Even with man's ignorant disregard for the preservation of nature, due to the Law Of Abundance, our world continues to flourish and provide a bountiful and endless supply of resources.
Let's Look at Some Physical Proof Of The Law of Abundance In Action In Nature
To be able to fully grasp and comprehend this ever producing, unwavering and unlimited principle, let's stop and take a look at something as obvious as a blade of grass. Although it's life cycle only consists of approximately 5-6 months in many regions before becoming dormant, a single blade of grass continually produces hundreds of additional seeds of offspring.
Grass, like everything in creation begins as a seed. It is enabled to sprout with the abundant supply of sunshine, and water provided to it which is made possible as a result of The Law of Abundance in action. As it grows and matures it begins to produce additional seeds, hundreds of them, and the cycle; a self sustaining cycle continues and is repeated season after season, year after year, century after century.
This clearly illustrates in a very simple kind of way; in a tangible and measurable way, the Law Of Abundance in action.
Look at the birds that you see on a day to day basis. The resources they utilize to build their nests is always in plentiful supply. When they become hungry there is always an abundance of food for them to eat. The skies that they inhabit and utilize for travel, although invisible to the human eye, have an abundant supply of whatever it takes for them to achieve flight.
This is the Law Of Abundance in action.
Go out to a remote area in nature sometime and observe the acres and acres of trees and vegetation. Watch closely and you'll see an abundance of wildlife consisting of many species. Look closely into the layers of leaves and twigs laying on the ground, and watch as an abundant amount of life dwells below.
This is the Law Of Abundance in action
Find an apple tree and observe the seemingly wasteful abundance of apples hanging from the branches and the more than enough surplus that have fallen to the ground to be enjoyed by the many creatures that dwell below.
This is The Law Of Abundance in action.
Look into any lake, stream or pond and observe the abundance of life that dwells within it.
This too is the incredible, ceaseless, and never ending Law Of Abundance in action.
The Law Of Abundance Ensures That The Cycles Continue and That Abundance Is Truly All There Is
Our Universe was created in such a way that abundance and plenty is all there is. Abundance is truly all that exists. The entire Universe, because of the Law of Abundance continually operating in it's unwavering and unfailing fashion knows no such thing as lack and limitation.
So why does there seem to be so much lack and limitation in the world?
Let's take a deeper look at that now...
Although many "perceive" themselves to be separated from and/or lack this abundance that flourishes throughout the world, the reality is that The Law of Abundance is ALWAYS at work and ALWAYS producing an abundance of something REGARDLESS of an individuals "perception" of what abundance is.
To clarify, let's take a look at how the The Law of Abundance is continually operating in your personal life.
"What Are You Currently Attracting An Abundance Of?"
Look at your life...EVERY area of your life. Do you have the kind of abundance that you desire in every area? If there is any perceived lack, as we have determined above, it is not because the world or the Law of Abundance has somehow failed you. The Law of Abundance is alive and well, and continually producing, with unwavering certainty an abundance of what YOU are choosing just as intended.
In fact The Law of Abundance NEVER misses and CAN'T cease to work! The entire cosmos as we know it would cease to exist.
Whether you look at the obvious and physically observable signs of The Law of Abundance in nature, through taking a deeper look into the workings of the human physiology, through teachings handed down in ancient spiritual texts for thousands of years or based on the research and discoveries of the modern day scientific community, the conclusion is always the same...
"The Law Of Abundance abounds everywhere at ALL times!"
Nature is without question abundant right?
You, I, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING else IS a part of nature correct? If you are not personally experiencing the kind of abundance that you desire for yourself, there must be a reason.
But what could that reason be? You WANT abundance don't you? I don't personally know of anyone that doesn't. Do you? You may even long for it, ache for it, truly desire it yet few are actually receiving and experiencing it in the way they want.
So why?
Let's explore further...
To better grasp, comprehend and understand at the deepest level how it is that the Law of Abundance exists, operates and thrives as it does, it's important to understand that all things, both seen and unseen are the result of
whether it be on an individual level through the operation of a tool we've all been freely provided called the mind.
Unbeknownst to many, there are many levels to mind. Varying aspects of mind. Mind processes this Consciousness we're referring to. There is the
conscious mind
, the
subconscious mind
, on a much broader scale pertaining to the entire world population known as
the collective consciousness
or the Super Consciousness, that is often referred to as God, Creator, Source, Universal Mind or the
Super Conscious Mind
Yea I know that's some heavy stuff. But it's important to know and understand if you're truly serious about consciously putting the Law of Abundance to work FOR you rather than it being "seemingly against you.
So for now, let's get back on track a sit pertains to you.
Let's look at the Law of Abundance as it relates to your individual consciousness and what determines the abundance or "perceived" lack of abundance that you experience in your own life.
Regardless of what you may currently perceive as abundance or lack, the following will provide you with a much deeper understanding regarding what and how the The Law of Abundance delivers EACH and EVERY event, condition and circumstance that YOU experience in your life in a way that you may not have previously considered.
The Law of Abundance and YOUR Thoughts...The Quality of Your Consciousness Determines What You Receive An Abundance Of
I'm going to make a statement that may initially "seem" unlikely depending on how much or how little you understand about mind and consciousness. But it's true. And it can be easily verified and substantiated through COUNTLESS avenues.
And THAT is part of the problem. MOST don't and or won't DO that which is why so many "believe and perceive" that they CAN'T experience a kind and quality of abundance that they truly desire to experience.
But they CAN. We ALL can if and when we CHOOSE to.
The quality of consciousness that you choose for yourself and are personally responsible for is derived through your individual thoughts. Based on the kind and quality of those thoughts which act as the seeds of your individual harvest, the Law of Abundance has, does and will continue without fail to determine the kind and quality of the abundance that you'll receive based on the kind and quality of seed that it's provided to work with.
The kind and quality of SEED that you CHOOSE to provide it with.
This is how the Law of Abundance was created to operate, always has operated and will continue to operate long after you and I are gone from this earth. You could say it always has, always does and always will produce an abundance of something regardless of how you might perceive what abundance is or isn't individually.
Here's how and why some might "perceive" the Law of Abundance to be somehow NOT working in their life.
It ALL has to do with the quality of YOUR consciousness.
If your thoughts (the seeds) are consistently focused on lack and limitation, you will, because the Law of Abundance never rests, fails or wavers, receive an abundance of lack and limitation in your life. The Law Of Abundance is consistently acting and producing in the exact and precise manner that it was designed to by providing you with an Abundance of whatever it is that you are asking it (through the "thought seeds" that YOU choose to plant) to give you.
If you're predominant thoughts are focused on a "lack of love" in your relationships, the Law Of Abundance is operating in it's exact, precise, unwavering and non-prejudice manner, and is delivering to you exactly what it was created to do.
And what does it do? It provides to you an abundance of what it is you are focusing on and directing (asking) it to give you.
If you are continually focused on and thinking about a lack of money and material resources, the Law Of Abundance is at work providing you with an Abundance of Lack of money and resources.
If you are continually thinking about sickness and disease, the Law Of Abundance is at work providing you with exactly what you are asking it to give you.
All of these examples regardless of how you might perceive the outcomes that you personally receive and experience are the Law Of Abundance in action.
And it never misses what it provides an abundance of!!
The Law of Abundance never rests or wavers. It, combined with
The Law Of Growth
, can only produce an abundance of whatever seeds it's provided to work with.
The point in a nutshell?
Your thoughts serve as the seeds that the Law of Abundance utilizes to produce an abundance of whatever it might be that you choose.
By coming to a full understanding of the
Universal Laws
and principles that have existed since the beginning of time itself, you will be enabled to develop and come to a crystal clear understanding, that whatever you are focusing on, through your thoughts and continual self talk, you will receive an abundance of whatever you are asking the Source, whatever you might perceive Source to be, to give you. (See
The Power Of Accepting Responsibility
Let's look at some less tangible things that further support how and why the Law of Abundance provides what it provides.
Spiritual Teachings Supporting The Law of Abundance In Action
Let's take a look at what some of the most enlightened and insightful spiritual masters and teachers taught.
One of the great teachers, Jesus from the Judeo Christian faith had this to say...
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11
What does THAT have to do with the Law of Abundance?
Belief is the seed and the Law of Abundance produces an abundance of whatever you choose to believe. That is what determines the kind and quality of your thoughts, emotions and your responses and reactions in life.
Let's look at additional wisdom that is also taken from spiritual text that is easy to understand...
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
The Law of Abundance produces an abundance of whatever you choose to think about and focus on most.
Another great spiritual teacher, Buddha, provides profound insight regarding how the Law of Abundance operates based on OUR individual choices...
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."
Or let's look at what another spiritual teacher, Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism says with regard to seeing and understanding things at this seed level...
"To see things in the seed, that is genius."
Now YOU may not consider yourself a "genius" based on what our current educational systems have taught YOU and EVERYONE else to this point, but you ARE and YOU have the power to create ABUNDANCE in EVERY aspect of your life if you'll simply become AWARE of how true it is and then choose to begin DOING it in a conscious and intentional kind of way.
Regardless if you choose to do so consciously or unconsciously, you ARE going to continue to receive an ABUNDANCE of something whether you like what you receive or not.
Your thoughts are the seeds that the Law of Abundance utilizes to provide YOU with an abundance of WHATEVER you choose for yourself! If you have a sincere and heartfelt desire to change the kind and quality of abundance you're receiving, it's going to be necessary to learn and understand how to recognize and shift the kind and quality of thoughts that you are choosing to think.
For additional insight regarding how the Law of Abundance works from a "spiritual perspective", you can find more by reviewing The Spiritual Side Of Life's Immutable and Unwavering Process Of Creation
Let's revert back to science briefly...
The Science Behind The Law of Abundance
Now let's look at your thoughts and your perception of abundance from a scientific perspective. They (your thoughts) have no physical substance and are merely vibration. Since thoughts having no visible physical form you could say they are of a metaphysical or spiritual nature.
Scientists refer to this unseen substance as sub-atomic particles which EVERYTHING, both seen and unseen, physical and non-physical, are comprised of, including your thoughts.
As science has discovered, through exploring and making HUGE strides in the new science of
Quantum Physics
, it is clearly understood, documented and backed by MANY experiments over the course of many years that the thoughts that YOU think...the quality of your consciousness, which is the "stuff" that determines how these unseen subatomic particles respond determine what is created in physical form in YOUR life.
In other words, they respond to your thoughts, beliefs and emotions based on the individual perceptions you hold and the beliefs that you have regarding your individual outcomes!
I could go on and on with countless scientific discoveries. But there's only so much I can do on a webpage.
Let's revert back to a more spiritual understanding of how to begin "consciously" enacting the Law of Abundance as it relates to prayer...
Although prayer has proven to be a powerful force in the attainment of desired outcomes since time itself began, you don't have to get on your knees and go through the ritual of prayer to experience the Law of Abundance in action.
You (spirit) and your thoughts (conscious and subconscious) are connected to and an integral part of the Universal Consciousness or whatever the Source of your understanding might be and they are constantly being transmitted and matched with (attracting) harmonious vibrations (subatomic particles) which transmute from the unseen or spiritual realm (waves of probability is what scientists call them) into physical form whether you are consciously aware of it or not and whether you BELIEVE it or not. (See
The Law Of Vibration
In essence the predominant thoughts that you think are prayers that are continually being broadcast, projected outward attracted to and joining with additional vibrational frequencies that align and harmonize with the "thought seeds" being projected and the Law of Abundance provides an abundance of YOUR choosing.
The ritual of prayer can and does prove to be effective when the emotion attached to the prayer harmonizes with the desired outcome just as emotionally charged thoughts provide the physical outcomes determined by the kind and quality of the prayer or thought.
Here's some additional clarity regarding how the Law of Abundance assures that you are always receiving an abundance of your choosing...
If your thoughts are continually focusing on lack and limitation, you are in essence providing the Law of Abundance seeds to work with that can only produce a harvest of lack and limitation. Put another way, by "perceiving" and "believing" in lack and limitation, you are in essence asking the Source to give you an Abundance of lack and limitation!
As you "believe" you receive without fail. To receive a different harvest is as simple as changing the underlying seeds that the Law of Abundance utilizes to produce your harvest and the harvest will and must change.
The Law Of Abundance is and will continue to operate precisely the way it was created to operate. It's been working that way for 14 BILLION years.
You cannot change it's operation.
It has existed and operated perfectly since the beginning of time and will continue to exist and produce in it's unfailing and unwavering manner into infinity.
Although you can't change the Law of Abundance, you CAN change yourself, more specifically the quality of your consciousness, simply by making a choice to "consciously" align and harmonize your thinking with the things that you desire to attract into your life and the Law of Abundance will deliver them without fail.
There is abundance everywhere. An unlimited supply is available to all.
Now I'll ask you; what abundance are you attracting into your life?
Whatever type of abundance you are focusing on, (asking for) The Law Of Abundance assures that you will receive, whether it's an abundance of lack or an abundance of plenty!
Let's Take a Look at Some Additional "Physical Proof" Regarding The Law Of Abundance
It has been estimated that if the worlds wealth were divided among the people, that each person would have approx. $7,000,000.00 in cash. If the trees in the world were all utilized, there would be enough to provide every person in the world with a 3000 sq. ft. home.
This is the Law Of Abundance in action.
On a broader macroscopic scale as mentioned, science has recently proven that the Universe continues to expand outward and that new galaxies are continuously being created with the help of the Hubble Telescope.
If you don't have an unlimited supply of the abundance you desire in your life, perhaps it is because you are not "consciously aware" of the abundance that is available to you. Perhaps you are not aware that you are far more important to our Creator (Source) who's image and likeness you were created in, than a blade of grass, an apple tree, and the birds of the air.
Perhaps you're unaware of and simply don't understand the awesome and powerful tools that were provided to you to create an Abundance of what you truly desire in and for your life.
Perhaps if you are not overflowing with the kind of abundance that you DO desire, it is because you have placed your predominant focus in the opposite direction of where you desire to go and need to become aware of the Source, and the simple, unerring and unwavering governing laws (Universal Laws) that have been put into place to provide you more abundance than you could ever imagine, if you'll only choose to align and harmonize your
, feelings, emotions and actions with the universal truths that will allow the Law of Abundance to attract and deliver them to you.
If you are not experiencing abundance in EVERY area of your life, perhaps it is because you are focused on the lack of, instead of the abundance of this unlimited supply that is and always has been readily available to you, me and EVERYONE else who simply makes a "conscious choice" to use it in a way that produces "desired" outcomes.
Perhaps you have not become aware of the immutable and unwavering laws and principles that insure you a life of plenty in all areas of your life IF you'll simply choose to understand HOW they operate and allow them to DO the job that they were designed and intended to do in a way that you LOVE rather than in a way that so many FEAR.
These incredible laws of the universe are as close as a few clicks of your mouse and a few hours of your time, and are all available and explained in a way that's VERY easy to understand and fully comprehend.
And they exist within this site.
But here's something else I KNOW as a result of connecting, communicating, working with and coaching a VERY diverse group of individuals from EVERY culture and EVERY walk of life...
FEW will DO what's necessary to experience the ABUNDANCE that EVERYONE CLAIMS they want.
Sad but true.
So DO yourself and the world a HUGE favor and heed the advice that follows.
Make A "Conscious Choice" To Consciously, Intentionally and Purposefully Enact The Law Of Abundance and The Other Universal Laws
A choice to discover and develop a basic understanding of these laws will provide you with a vastly enhanced awareness and understanding of not only the Law of Abundance, but how our universe operates flawlessly with precise, unerring and unwavering certainty.
It will provide you with a radically expanded understanding of how YOU and everything else in the cosmos is intricately interconnected with EVERYTHING else INCLUDING the abundance that SO MANY are seeking yet so few are experiencing even though EVERYONE can if they'll simply "choose to."
Doing so will clearly reveal the power that you hold individually to harmonize with and experience the limitless potential and infinite possibility that is, always has been and will continue to be available to and for you.
They will provide you with a profoundly life changing understanding that could serve to be the key to experiencing in YOUR life, all you could ever hope, want, wish, dream or desire for.
There is no NEED for any of that. It's a choice. In fact, wanting, needing, hoping, wishing, dreaming, anxiously desiring and blindly praying as SO MANY DO will only keep the ABUNDANCE that so many desire from them in MANY cases.
There's no room here to go into all the hows and whys of that.
You only need to make a "conscious choice", grasp and turn the key to unlock the door which reveals the unlimited supply of abundance that the Law of Abundance will, with unerring, unwavering and absolute certainty deliver to you.
It simply requires a choice to develop a deeper awakening if you will regarding your worthiness and the abundance of EVERYTHING that you, I and EVERYONE else have unlimited access to.
But rest assured...
The Law of Abundance can and will deliver any outcome that you choose for yourself.
The tools and resources within will guide you step by step to dramatically increasing your awareness of how and why you may or may not be receiving and experiencing all that the Source has intended for and made readily available to you.
It's ALL here and freely provided to you to teach you, step by step, precisely what you can do to begin attracting an Abundance of whatever it is that you truly desire to experience.
With all that said, the only thing standing between you and a world of plenty of everything, is your personal choice. It's a choice to educate yourself or not. It's a choice to discover and understand for yourself how to consciously, intentionally and consistently harmonize with and begin to purposefully implement the wondrous and powerful Law of Abundance as well as the other universal laws and principles or not.
It's a choice to begin "consciously creating" (or if you prefer co-creating) and experiencing an abundance of all that you hold dear in heart and mind.
Regardless of what you choose, know this (or not)...
Your universe is a vast and limitless storehouse that contains all that you could ever hope, wish or dream for. You have already been given the key and YOU hold it right here right now. EVERYTHING required to access this storehouse, you already possess.
You only need to discover how real and true that is and turn the key that opens the floodgates.
I've done all I'm able here. Now, it's up to you.
It has all been provided to you, you only need to know how to begin attracting it.
Find the answers. They are readily available to and easily accessible by you if you will only make the choice to seek them out and find them.
I'll give you a hint...they don;t exist "out there." There already within you.
Developing an awareness of, and learning to harmonize your thoughts, emotions, words and actions and correctly utilizing the incredible power of the Law of Abundance as well as the other Universal Laws are the only thing keeping you from living a life overflowing with Abundance and Happiness.
It's your choice, it's your life, it's your decision. You have been provided with the free will to do, or not do, anything you choose.
The plan has been laid, abundance abounds everywhere. You are at cause, and your actions (or inaction) will determine without fail your effects. You have been given the power to choose your outcomes in EVERY aspect of your life whether physically, financially, relationally, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually.
It's my hope for you that you'll choose an abundance of what you Love.
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone that asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him that knocks it shall be opened.
Luke 11; 9-13 The Bible
It's simply a matter of learning to ask, seek, knock and enter through the door "consciously and intentionally.
For Additional Information And Precise Steps For Consciously Enacting The Law of Abundance and Other Laws of Nature
I've done all I'm able here. Perhaps you'd like to learn more.
If that's the case...
For further study, deeper insight, and to learn how you can begin "consciously" utilizing the Law of Abundance and attracting an abundance of all good things into YOUR life, I would highly recommend the
The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation
The 7 Hidden Keys reveals the power of the Law of Abundance as well as other laws of nature and consists of everything you could possibly need to learn, understand and master the Laws of Nature and at the same time eliminate any conscious or unconscious resistance you might have as it pertains to attracting an abundance of desirable events, conditions and circumstances in every aspect of your life.
That too is your choice to do or not do.
What I can do, I've already done here and in
The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation
The 7 Hidden Keys utilizes a very practical, powerful and easy to understand approach that will teach, lead, guide and empower you to begin awakening to your "true power.
In addition I provide additional tools and practical application techniques too numerous to list here to assist you in recognizing where any current blocks might be and once recognized, making the shift and begin consciously, intentionally and purposefully initiating the Law of Abundance in each area of your life.
One thing I and many before you have discovered personally, The 7 Hidden Keys will lead you step by step through the process of making your deepest and most heartfelt desires a reality physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually.
Whether or not you currently realize, understand or even believe it at this point.....
Abundance IS your birthright.
And One thing I KNOW...
WE ALL deserve and were created to have an abundance of all good things in your life.
The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation
, creating this site and providing a complimentary subscription to The Enlightened Journey E-Zine is the best way I know to show you how to do just that IF you'll make the choice to "allow" it to.
One thing is certain...
Life and the quality of your life is all about choice and that choice or series of choices is yours to make or not.
Whatever your choices are, it is my sincere and heartfelt hope that they might lead you one step closer to living the life you deserve and that you might experience for yourself the Joy, Fulfillment, Profound Inner Peace and Limitless Prosperity that is and always has been available to you in each and every area of your life.
What I personally choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness.
Be well and be prosperous.
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Each of the resources recommended in The Law Of Abundance article and throughout has been personally tested and approved by the founder as a credible and effective means of accomplishing it's intended purpose. Any and all guarantees are handled through the company that provides the resource. Copyright © 2005-2012, The Law Of Abundance article and all content throughout is copyright protected and the intellectual property of Chuck Danes and Enlightened Journey Enterprises. Any form of copy or reproduction in whole or in part without the express written consent of the author and/or Enlightened Journey Enterprises is strictly prohibited and any violation of these rights will be pursued and strictly enforced under U.S. copyright law. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. |
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