The Leslie Fieger Collection :
The Delfin Knowledge System Trilogy
The Initiation - The Journey - The Quest
"The Master Key" To Health Wealth Fulfillment and Profound Peace Is And Always Has Been Available To Those Who Would Choose To Persevere And Find It....The Wisdom DOES and Always Has Existed. Finally...Your Search Is Over The Profound Knowledge Necessary For The Achievement Of TOTAL Harmony In Life Has Arrived. Life / Self Mastery Is Much Closer Than You Realize.
The Initiation - The Journey - The Quest
AKA - The Delfin Knowledge System
There are few who have grasped the wisdom and knowledge and developed the rare understanding, the core essence of the essential elements necessary to achieve life /self mastery. Of those that have there are even fewer who can clearly and effectively convey that understanding in such a way that, for those who come after seeking the same understanding and direction, can grasp, internalize and implement the power that the message holds. Your search has led you to one who can. The Delfin Knowledge System is the University level study program for understanding the process of creation as well as the whys and the hows of how to effectively and powerfully apply it into your day to day life.
The Delfin Knowledge System Trilogy Is The Last
Personal Development System You Could or Will EVER Need.
The Delfin Knowledge System Trilogy

The Initiation explains in intricate detail the core understanding necessary to fully grasp the concept of creation in both the spiritual as well as physical realms. You will discover the simplicity of the perfectly constructed, unwavering and immutable plan which determines how and why things in life happen as they do as well as the steps you can take to make it unfold in the way that you desire. It will enable you to take control over your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being and destiny. You will know what it means to become a conscious and purposeful creator.

The Journey makes up the second module of the Delfin Knowledge System. The Journey explains that life is a process....a journey. Each of the twelve chapters contain perspectives and techniques which empower you to decide for yourself who you are, where you are at this moment, why you are here, and to what purpose you journey through life.
Once you have a clear understanding of those important questions you will achieve the clarity, motivation and inspiration to be an active and joyous participant in your personal journey. The application of your own awareness creates your own road map to success and happiness. The inviting application exercises set the stage for whole brain integration of the information. The techniques used from these applications can be utilized in your daily activities to enhance exposure to new circumstances or information. The opportunities to explore your playful, creative nature provided by the games and interactive activities will leave you smiling and reflecting on the activities long after completion.

The Quest is the third module of The Delfin Knowledge System Trilogy. The Quest is a personal empowerment program that is specifically targeted for those individuals who are consciously on a journey toward enlightenment.
The Quest is not a casual or introductory self-help program; rather, it is a course for serious students of metaphysics. This is your instruction manual for achieving a transcendent or cosmic consciousness; a map to the transmutation of the human creature.
The Quest includes four audio CDs with unique state of the art Phi-frequency Holographic Dimensional Harmonic recording technology. These recordings will assist you to achieve not only Alpha, but Theta and Delta States of meditation to bring you to your true place of power and creativity. The 218-page text contains the intellectual information necessary to convince the rational aspect of your mind of the validity of the focus of awareness called transcendent consciousness.
It deals with the nature of reality, creation, and transmutation. It contains the keys you will need to unlock your potential to become the master of your own destiny -- to be able to define your own reality, to create your own happiness and fulfillment, to transform into what you have been designed to become.
The Delfin Knowledge System Seminar is based on Leslie Fieger's 15-year study of Charles Haanel's Master Key System. The Delfin System DVD Seminar will enable you to understand the cause of all effects and will empower you to become a conscious creator of the events and circumstances of your life.
Over a period of four years, we used the material contained within The Delfin Knowledge System as the core of our live 3-day Delfin seminar.
We had intended to create something special and unique; something that would prove to be empowering beyond anything else that had ever been done before.
Even with those high hopes, we were quite unprepared for the results. This unique material in this super learning format proved to be so transformative for the seminar attendees that it created success stories beyond what we had dared hope for.
We are so excited to now be able to offer to everyone easy and affordable access to what had previously been available to only those few who could afford the time and expense of attending our live seminars.
For More Information Regarding The Delfin Knowledge System Trilogy
To Learn More About The Creator of The Delfin Knowledge System Trilogy
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The Leslie Fieger Collection recommended within the Leslie Fieger Collection article and throughout has been personally tested and approved by the founder as a credible and effective means of accomplishing it's intended purpose. Any and all guarantees provided in the Leslie Fieger Collection are handled through the company that provides the resource. Copyright © 2005-2012 The Leslie Fieger Collection article and all content on is strictly prohibited in whole or in part, electronically or otherwise without the express written consent of the author and/or Enlightened Journey Enterprises. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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