Life Coaching with Chuck Danes
Considering A Life Coach to Enhance Your Personal Results and Career?

Wealth Mentoring with Enlightened Journey Founder Chuck Danes is an investment in your future, provides an invaluable return of insight, wisdom, clarity and understanding which, when applied, enables and allows physical, financial, relational, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony to become a way of life
Since you've arrived here, chances are good...perhaps even way better than good...that you're seeking a personal mentor who can effectively and efficiently guide and assist you in creating immediate and/or long term change in your life.
If that's the case, the first order of business would be to extend a hearty "Congratulations!!" You've taken an important first step that could lead to quantum leaps forward in your health, your finances and your relationships.
Choosing to invest in yourself can prove to be the wisest, most lucrative and tangibly rewarding investment you could EVER make...should you choose to invest wisely.
A One Time Personal Consultation or a longer term form of Personal Coaching (aka Wealth Mentoring) with Enlightened Journey founder Chuck Danes, may prove to be what you're looking for.
Our Consultation and Wealth Mentoring Programs provide each client with a unique and highly effective form of personalized, custom tailored insight, support, knowledge and wisdom to assist you in achieving whatever your unique desires might be.
Perhaps you've tried using the "cookie cutter approach" coaching methodologies or the traditional personal development approach that so many success coaches and personal development programs utilize. If you're seeking a Coach/Mentor who doesn't adhere to nor follow the "traditional" Success Coaching or Personal Development model, you'll find what we have to offer quite beneficial. Enlightened Journey Enterprises provides an array of Consultation and Wealth Mentoring packages that are custom tailored to the diverse and unique needs of our clients. Each package is designed and custom tailored to enhance the competence, confidence and results of our clients globally.
Our Consultation and Wealth Mentoring packages fulfill a very broad and diverse range of needs, unique to and custom tailored for each of our clients.
The clients we serve utilize our Consultation and Wealth Mentoring services for a broad range of reasons that are equally unique to and for each client. Perhaps you're seeking greater spiritual insight and understanding, Maybe you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a group leader, successful business executive, business owner or something in between.
Our Consultation and Wealth Mentoring packages are designed to meet you where you are, wherever that is.
Even the wealthiest and most successful sports figures need a coach to keep them focused, motivated, on track and moving consistently toward their goals. The same applies to all of us regardless of where we are in life. A single Consultation can prove beneficial to anyone and everyone who is sincere, serious and committed to gaining timely insight for a current pressing issue. Wealth Mentoring is for those aspire to achieve extraordinary results in the long term.
Neither Consultations, Wealth Mentoring nor the Mentors Who Provide Them are Created Equal
Those who aspire toward greatness, regardless of what area of life that might be, clearly understand that all mentors are not created equal. They're looking for and desire to partner with those who possess an uncommon level of insight, wisdom and extraordinary skills. They also understand the importance of interacting, surrounding themselves with and having a form of support and guidance available (whether short or long term) that a mentor of uncommon vision and insight can provide. In addition, they see the value of consistently connecting with a mentor/confidant who has acquired and utilizes a "Specialized Form of Knowledge", understands their true potential and is keenly aware of the greatness that often lies dormant within each of us.
The effective mentor is skilled at bringing that potential and greatness to the surface even when we are unable to see it in ourselves.
Those who aspire toward the achievement of "uncommon results" are a rare group to be sure, yet they see, understand the value of and are open to receiving the kind of timely and on target insight, inspiration and encouragement that a great coach/mentor can provide. What's more, they understand the importance of teaming with a compassionate and caring partner, who strongly believes in and understands the importance of adhering to a policy of accountability that initiates action, ensures continual growth and sustains forward momentum until the desired end result is achieved.
Enlightened Journey Founder, Chuck Danes is That Kind of Mentor and Utilizes a Unique, "Uncommon" and Highly Effective Approach. Enlightened Journey Enterprises founder, Chuck Danes, specializes in enabling, empowering and assisting clients who are sincere and serious about as well as committed to creating desired change in ALL aspects of their lives.
Chuck's highly sought after expertise is of a rare quality. Chuck's unique approach to success in business and in life, was derived through years of research, acquired wisdom, insight and personal experience. Chuck is known globally for his unique and uncanny ability to get to the heart of every desire, identifying and addressing core issues, enabling and empowering the individuals he chooses to work with to bring out the inherent greatness that we all posses. In essence, Chuck knows what's truly necessary to enable and empower his clients to experience the sense of accomplishment and exhilaration that follows the fulfillment of whatever your unique vision or desire might be. Educating, enabling and empowering those who aspire toward uncommon achievement is Chuck's "Soul Purpose", what he loves to do and has done for many years.
Chuck is more than a highly skilled mentor. He's also an author, personal performance trainer, personal empowerment program coordinator, and awareness enhancement coach. Chuck decided many years ago that his primary vision, mission and purpose in life would to assist those who are sincere, serious and seeking a specialized form of knowledge designed to empower those who he chooses to work with to achieve uncommon results in the physical, financial as well as relational fields.
His approach is uncommon, in that he understands that all tangible results, stem from and find their root in the intangible; namely the mental, emotional and spiritual levels which many mentors, success coaches as well as those who desire greater results, often overlook.
Chuck's Style of Coaching/Mentoring and Methodologies Embrace a "Whole Life" Approach
Chuck's style and approach, although "uncommon and unique" is quite comprehensive in design. Chuck encourages each of his clients to embrace a unique yet powerful "Whole Life Approach" which aligns and harmonizes the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical attributes which make up the whole of who we are as individuals. Chuck has worked with, touched and impacted the lives of countless tens of thousands of individuals globally from nearly every walk of life. His unique coaching/mentoring style is personalized and custom tailored for those who are seeking a unique, effective and results oriented approach for enhancing quality of life in all aspects.
Chuck's impressive track record stems from his unique and uncommon ability to assist his clients via a combination of support, guidance, encouragement and teaching. This unique blend of "consciously integrating and utilizing" each of our attributes ensures that each client develops and nurtures a sense of self confidence, assurance and trust in themselves. This unique style instills a CAN DO mentality in every client which enhances their ability to achieve whatever their unique aspirations might be...regardless of where they're starting from.
Enlightened Journey Enterprises Provides Consultation/Wealth Mentoring Services Which are Designed and Custom Tailored to Fit Your Unique Needs.
Whether you're seeking short term guidance, direction, insight and/or timely answers to your most pressing questions regarding a particular area of your life, or a longer term solution in the way of an hourly, monthly, quarterly or annual Wealth Mentoring Package, there's a consultation and/or mentoring package that's sure to suit and fulfill whatever your unique needs might be.
Chuck Danes
Chuck Danes
Here's What You Can Expect From Your Consultation or Wealth Mentoring Sessions
Each step taken during the Wealth Mentoring process is designed to assist you in gaining and maintaining a sense of confidence and long term assurance, developing the fortitude to ensure that your desires become a tangible reality. You'll be encouraged to consistently monitor how you think and feel as deeply embedded "subconscious beliefs" surface regarding the attainment of those desires as you move forward.
Although each client is unique and every session custom tailored to the unique needs of each client, there is a general flow that is modeled in all Wealth Mentoring sessions.
A few of those are as follows...
- Your initial mentoring/coaching session will identify what it is that you desire to be, do or have more of.
- The next step in the process will delve deeply into finding and revealing your personal why behind those desires.
- The next step consists of molding and shaping as well as defining and incorporating that why into your psyche to keep you laser focused, on target and consistently moving toward the attainment of whatever the desire might be.
- You'll explore various beliefs, assumptions and patterns to identify strengths, weaknesses and potential challenges and engage in dialogue designed to
- You and Chuck will work together to construct and effective plan of action that aligns and harmonizes with whatever the desire might be.
- Each mentoring session will include checking your progress, adjusting where necessary and fine tuning the approach to ensure consistent progress and forward momentum.
Essentially each step of the Wealth Mentoring process is specifically designed to provide you with an uncommon depth of understanding that will enable and empower you to make and maintain the necessary "internal shifts" which are ultimately responsible for determining every aspect of your external reality whether physically, financially, relationally while ensuring that you remain consciously focused, aligned and harmonized mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This personalized approach will prove to be not only enlightening and rewarding but invaluable in assisting you to identify and break through the self created blocks and barriers that you may be unaware of or have previously believed to be insurmountable.
Here's just a small sample of what you'll discover as a result of your consultation or Wealth Mentoring sessions...
- The unseen forces that are continuously working behind the scenes to determine how each area of your life unfolds and how to consciously align and harmonize with them to ensure your success.
- Discover how and why the results currently being experienced are happening and the necessary steps that you can take immediately to change them.
- Develop an uncommon depth of understanding as to why your beliefs, perceptions and paradigms are so powerful in shaping your results and how to pinpoint and shift those that are keeping you from achieving your "desired" outcomes.
- Learn to differentiate between what Chuck refers to as a "Higher Truth" and the often times self limiting perceptions of truth stemming from less than effective programming, conditioning and indoctrination that keep so many bound to mediocrity.
- Be encouraged to consciously look at and discern if certain perceptions that you currently hold are serving to move you toward or away from whatever it might be that you desire to achieve.
- Identify and eliminate self-limiting and/or self sabotaging patterns that are keeping you stuck.
- Recognize, identify and overcome hidden fears.
- Stop procrastination and self-sabotage in it's tracks.
- Enhance your self-esteem and confidence level dramatically.
- Create forward momentum and keep going.
- Enhance your physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual results EXPONENTIALLY!!
- And MUCH more!!
If you're seeking a fresh, highly effective and all encompassing approach for achieving uncommon results, custom tailored to you for enhancing all aspects of your life, Chuck's unique style and uncommon approach to Wealth Mentoring and/or individual Consultations may be just what the doctor ordered.
Chuck's Consultations, Wealth Mentoring Packages and His Unique Coaching/Mentoring Style Aren't For Everyone.
To be clear, this isn't Wealth Mentoring for the half hearted seeker. It is for the serious student who is sincere, is willing to focus on and commit to their own success. It's for those who have tried the conventional, traditional way of achieving desired results and experienced the disappointing and mediocre at best results that traditional success coaching and "cookie cutter approach" personal development programs are limited to.
Chuck's style of consulting/mentoring/coaching is NOT traditional success coaching or personal development training. It is a specialized form of Wealth Mentoring that includes but is not limited to enhancing awareness to achieve greater results.
It's a form of wealth mentoring that provides you with a depth of awareness and understanding of yourself, the physical world around you and the multilevel role you play in determining your outcomes. It clearly reveals that whatever it might be that your currently experiencing is not limited to or by physical actions alone but rather the result of what's happening within yourself. You'll be provided with laser focused, on target, custom tailored guidance to initiate the necessary internal shifts that are absolutely essential for transforming your external results.
It is for those who are sincere, serious, committed, truly ready and willing to begin thinking and acting outside the box and break free from the limitations experienced by the status quo. It is for those who have a willingness to take both personal responsibility and conscious control over their physical, financial and relational results.
It's a form of Wealth Mentoring designed for those who are "truly" open and ready to awaken to what is "truly" available to and possible for anyone and everyone that is willing to explore outside the boundaries of commonly accepted social and cultural programming.
Who This Form Of Wealth Mentoring Is NOT For
If what you are seeking are strictly physical business tools, systems, processes, and/or techniques, this form of Wealth Mentoring isn't for you.
If you believe that you've got everything "figured out", think you know everything there is to know with regard to life and yourself, are remiss or unwilling to expand your current perspective and/or consider a different way of doing things, Chuck's style of mentoring will be of no benefit to you.
If you are looking for someone who will tell you what you want to hear, rather than what is necessary to make the desired breakthroughs, Chuck is DEFINITELY not your guy.
Who This Form Of Life Coaching/Wealth Mentoring CAN and Will Benefit The Wealth Mentoring is designed to provide each client with an uncommon depth of understanding, the tools and the proven processes required for transforming common results into those which our clients have referred to as extraordinary. It's for those who see the value of integrating and incorporating an "Inside out approach" to life and are open to integrating this approach during the entire mentoring process.
It's for those who are willing to delve deeper than the surface level aspects of life that have been, are being and will be experienced in the various areas of your life.
It's for those who see the value of a very personal form of mentoring which requires openness, honesty, transparency that both establishes and builds upon a solid foundation of "trust and mutual respect."
Ready to take the next step?
If you are seeking the means to establish a much deeper understanding and an uncommon depth of self awareness with regard to your "true potential" and the limitless opportunities that are and always have been available to you, a willingness to construct and follow a predetermined plan of action custom tailored for you, this form and style of wealth mentoring will prove to be an invaluable and transformational resource.
If you are at a place in life that you are ready to accept personal responsibility for your outcomes, as well as discover how to consciously and intentionally harmonize your thoughts, words and actions with your desires, this form of wealth mentoring is for you and definitely serve you in achieving what Chuck often refers to as "Real Wealth, Real Success" and ultimately "Real Freedom".
Here's What You Can Expect From Your Consultation or Wealth Mentoring Sessions
Each individual consultation or mentoring session with Chuck is held via phone or Skype at a predetermined date and time. The duration of each individual consultation is determined by which consultation option you choose. (Times range from 30 minutes to 1 hour)
In the case of longer term Wealth Mentoring, each session lasts for one hour where you and Chuck personally connect and interact once per week unless special arrangements are scheduled in advance.
For long term Wealth Mentoring packages, you will be provided with all necessary materials and expected to complete weekly assignments between mentoring sessions. Chuck's approach entails more than Wealth Mentoring. He holds his clients accountable for completing their weekly tasks.
If you understand that and are ready to discover how and why a single personal consultation or a longer term Wealth Mentoring Program with Enlightened Journey founder Chuck Danes can assist you in transforming your results, simply schedule a consultation below and we'll arrange a private, personalized chat between you and Chuck to answer any questions you might have and/or discern if you are ready and open to what Chuck's longer term Wealth Mentoring services can provide.
If you find that you are, you'll find our schedule of fees and the personal investment required for both 1 time consultations, longer term one on one wealth mentoring packages as well as group coaching sessions below...
Fee Schedules For Individual Consultations and Discounted Longer Term Wealth Mentoring Packages
Personal 1 Time Consultations With Chuck
30, 45 and 60 Minute Private Consultations
30 minute consultation - $125.00
45 minute consultation - $175.00
60 minute consultation - $225.00
Discounted Rates for Longer Term Mentoring Packages (Includes Course Materials when Applicable)
Online Group Coaching Held Weekly
Group Coaching Rates Per Person
$697.00 - 12 Group Sessions (1 session per week 1 to 1 1/2 hours per session)
Group Coaching Sessions Currently Booked Through March 2019
*All consultation and mentoring fees must be received in advance and are non-refundable
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Each of the resources recommended in the Life Coaching article and throughout Abundance-and-Happiness.com has been personally tested and approved by the founder as a credible and effective means of accomplishing it's intended purpose. Any and all guarantees are handled through the company that provides the resource.
Copyright © 2005-2008, Abundance-and-Happiness.com The Life Coaching article and all content throughout Abundance-and-Happiness.com is copyright protected and strictly prohibited from copy or reproduction of any type without the express written consent of the author Chuck Danes and/or Enlightened Journey Enterprises. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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