Site Build It! Takes ALL The Guesswork Out Of Online Business Building AND Home Based Business Success

Site Build It Can Make Your Online Home Based Business Dream A
Reality By Putting A Worldwide Audience Of More Than 1.8 Billion Internet
Users At Your Fingertips
Discover How Site Build It! (SBI) Can Allow You To Work From Home Regardless Of Education, Technical Skills Or Previous Business Experience!
No Internet Or Technical Skills Required!!
If You Have A Passion, A Hobby, Or Specialized Knowledge About ANYTHING...literally ANYTHING...Site Build It Will Guide You Step By Step Toward Building A SUCCESSFUL Online Home Based Business
For LESS Than $1.00 Per Day!!
"The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living at doing what they most enjoy. - Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990) |
YOU + Your Passion + Site Build It (SBI) = Home Based Business SUCCESS
- Are you looking for a way to build and develop your very own online business but don't have a clue where to begin?
- Are you tired of the 9-5 grind and looking for a realistic and practical way to break away from merely making a living and begin making a life with your very own home based business?
- Would you like to make a career change but don't think there are any possibilities available to you?
- Are you seeking a way to make additional income but don't think you have the time, skills or financial resources to start a home based business?
- Perhaps you're currently a business owner looking for a way to expand your existing business in the online world?
Regardless of what your current situation may be.......
Site Build It! Provides The Solutions AND The Online Business Answers You've Been Looking For!
Starting And Operating A Successful Home Based Business Is SO MUCH Easier Than You May Think
If you have ever considered or are currently considering working from home and building your own income generating web based business but aren’t sure where to begin or how to go about it, the information you are about to discover will be of tremendous benefit to you.
Although site building used to be a major part of Site Build It site building is only a VERY SMALL part of online business success. And, like most people still do today, building a website or a blog used to equate to the building of an online business.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There is so much MORE to building a Web-based BUSINESS than having a blog or website. It's critical that successful online business seekers understand that, as well as understand that SBI! delivers MUCH more than site building.
"Online business-building" is THE description of what SBI! does for ANY audience. Site building, like blogging, is such a small part of building a strong online business.
Successful online business requires targeted traffic that converts into multiple sources of income.
Enter SBI...previously known as Site Build It.
Site Build It (SBI) Makes Online Business Success Both Possible and Simple
According to a recent Harris Poll 72% of all U.S. residents expressed an interest in having their own home based business. Unfortunately many believe that starting and successfully operating their own home based business is beyond their capability.
In fact it's FAR easier than most can even fathom. This widespread belief is ONLY due to a lack of awareness as to what recent advancements in modern day internet technology have made possible and is readily available to you.
If you can follow a simple step by step blueprint, you CAN have a successful home based business, and even more importantly a home based business doing WHATEVER it is that you LOVE to do. Site Build It (SBI) provides EVERYTHING you need and clearly guides you through the process of turning your passions, hobbies, or knowledge about ANYTHING into a fun, rewarding and successful home based business. If you have a dream of working from home and are willing to follow a simple, step by step and clearly defined plan, Site Build It can and will turn that dream into a reality.
Starting, building and operating a successful home based business has never in history been easier to attain than right now thanks to Site Build It and it's all in one place solution.
Take 2 and 1/2 Minutes And Find Out How Site Build It Is Changing Lives
Regardless if you are an advanced internet user or a complete novice to the internet world, Site Build It provides a simple, easy to use, step by step solution that will teach you everything you need to know regarding how to build a profit generating website starting from scratch and make your online home based business dream not only a reality but a success.
It's Called Site Build It!!
How can I speak with such assurance? Because Site Build It is what I personally used to build this site and I could barely stumble through the most basic functions of logging on to the internet and had only a very limited understanding concerning using a computer at all!
You can learn more about that by clicking here
. It's really quite a story. Had it not been for Ken Evoy and the hold you by the hand step by step plan he provides and the complete, everything you need to be successful suite of easy to use tools that Site Build It! offers, this site would more than likely still only be a figment of my imagination.
I fully realize and understand that for most, the thought of building a website might seem like an overwhelming and in some cases an impossible task, but with Site Build It it's NOT!! Thanks to Site Build It many are enjoying the benefits of running their own successful online business from the comfort of home who never thought or ever dreamed they could.
Site Build It makes it SOOOOOO Easy!!!
Don't get me wrong, like anything in life it does and will take action on your part to start a home based business and build a website, but considering that you can create that home based business in an area that you love and are passionate about, unlike work, it is action that you'll find to be pleasurable and enjoyable. In addition, with the clearly defined step by step direction that Site Build It provides it is action that you can take in complete confidence regardless of your level of knowledge with respect to technology or starting a home based business.
Check Out These Video Testimonials From Everyday People And Why They Love SBI
To provide you with a better idea of EXACTLY what Site Build It provides.....
Site Build It! begins with a simple and basic plan that will walk you through a brainstorming process which will enable and empower you to come up with ideas for your home based business, then takes you by the hand, with simple to follow and clearly illustrated instruction in either text or video format to put those ideas into action. Site Build It begins with the most basic essentials and then leads you all the way through to completion of your very own, soon to be income generating website.
But it doesn't stop there!! Site Build It then provides you with every conceivable tool necessary to assist you in continually growing, tracking, and building upon your online business once your website is up and running. In addition you have an UNLIMITED amount of expert assistance and support through Site Build Its' friendly and courteous support staff as well as MANY professional webmasters who are more than willing to help, through their "nothing like you've ever seen before" Site Build It! online forum.
Regardless of what type of home based business you may be considering, and regardless of your level of experience,
Site Build It!
provides the home based business solution you're seeking as it has been for me and so many others.
Successful Online-Business-Building Is All About Following The Right Process, Using Strong Tools, And Smart Work.
The product, known as
Site Build It! (SBI)
, created by Ken Evoy, is an "All In One Solution" to starting, building, marketing and growing a profitable income generating website and clearly addresses any concerns or doubts you may have initially concerning building a solid and profitable online home based business that works, as well as providing you with the plan, an in depth step by step process, and all the tools necessary to make your site a success, beginning with the the basic knowledge of where and how to begin.
65% of ALL Site Build It sites rank in the top 2% of ALL websites in the world!!
NO Other Company Can Match The Results That Site Build It Provides
The 10 Day Action Guide (Text and Video Format)
One of the many tools you are provided with, is a simple, easy to follow step by step blueprint consisting of each of the steps you need to take in the form of a well written, easy to understand Site Build It
10 Day Action Guide
,(for those that prefer to follow along with a manual) as well as a 10 day Online Video Guide for those that relate better and prefer actually seeing each step being performed.
The Site Build It! Action Guide leads you step by step through the process of how to come up with ideas that will be rewarding for you even if you don‘t yet have any idea of what type of website to build, a step by step process to determine the profit potential of your home based business idea, the tools to perform all the research necessary to come up with a comprehensive list of high ranking keywords that internet users search for, how to write compelling content that the search engines will love and pull traffic like crazy, the simple step by step plan to begin building your site once your idea is established, and all the tools necessary to launch your home based business live on the internet and track your progress as your site grows.
It's already been said but I'll say it again to MAKE SURE that you understand and get it....
No Other Company Provides SO MUCH For SO LITTLE!!
Once your site has gone live, the Site Build It! Action Guide will show you how to continually take the necessary steps that will allow you to bring in thousands of interested, warm, and targeted visitors that are looking specifically for your information, product, or service and allow you to reap the tremendous benefits of assisting and providing value to a worldwide audience, as well as reap the monetary rewards that come with it for years to come.
In addition, the Site Build It Team has a phenomenal support staff in place that, should there be any technical problems, are handled in a timely, efficient and friendly manner to make certain that your site is doing what it was designed to do. Drawing targeted traffic and making you money!
Included with your Site Build It! package is unlimited access to a small business forum unlike any other, where hundreds of Site Build It! users utilize the philosophy of "Help and Be Helped" and who share not only their recipes for success, but assist others in working through the process of brainstorming, building, and growing their sites. The more than 60 forums covering every imaginable subject concerning site building and marketing are moderated by highly skilled and successful Site Build It webmasters that can answer any question that may arise (I had plenty) or direct you to the proper place to get the correct answers that you are looking for.
My Personal Experience
With Site Build It!
Had it not been for the Site Build It! Team and the unlimited access to these helpful forums, this very site that you’re looking at would not be here now. Site Build It! was literally a a dream come true allowing me to fulfill my personal passion and life purpose which enabled me to not only make my home based business successful, but also provides me with the fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with assisting and empowering others around the world to do the same!
When I began the site building process, although I knew how to surf and perform VERY basic functions on the computer, I had no idea of how to get started
and fulfilling my dream of sharing and assisting people in becoming aware of how to enhance their lives on a worldwide scale.
Awareness In Is The First Crucial Step In Achieving ANYTHING In Life
Had I not discovered Site Build It and took the initiative to check out some of the many free e-books that they provide, I don't believe that my home based business nor would exist today. Like so many do, I believed at the time that building a website was far beyond my capability and the thought of starting a home based business was....well, let's just say.......OVERWHELMING.
Site Build It not only showed me how attainable starting and building a successful online home based business was, it provided me with EVERYTHING needed to do it with far less effort and cost than I believed was possible.
Site Build It Provides Informative and Valuable Free Resources Before Making A Decision!
Site Build It provides you with numerous free resources that provide you with the awareness of how simple it can be to build a website.
What drew me personally to try the products that Site Build It! offers was the no hype, no nonsense approach that they use, plus all of the free information that they provide in the way of several
free e-books
which allowed me to develop the "Big Picture View" of exactly the steps necessary, and a no hype, no nonsense approach as to what it would take to begin a successful online home based business. and build a successful website and allowed me to determine if an online business is for you prior to having to make a buying decision.
Having tried and failed at many previous ventures that made unrealistic claims of Quick, Cheap, and Easy and had the "Get Rich Quick Promises and Theories" I had become extremely frustrated and wary of wasting any more hard earned money on fulfilling my work from home online dream until Site Build It! came into my life.
Prior to purchasing the Site Build It! package, I performed extensive research into various other avenues and possibilities of building and getting my soon to be website online. During that research I discovered that if I utilized different companies for each of the tools and resources I felt that I needed, the cost of doing so was in the many thousands of $$$ just to get it up and running, not to mention the costs associated with maintaining it afterwards! The all in one package that Site Build It! offers was literally a dream come true for me and my family, and at a small fraction of the cost of the other possibilities I explored.
The free e-books that Site Build It! provides you with, cover and provide valuable, in depth information as to how to go about brainstorming for ideas, developing site concepts, creating a list of effective traffic generating keywords, etc. which will allow you to make an informed and educated decision regarding if an online business is even the right choice for you prior to making a purchase. The free e-books that Site Build It provides will assist you in developing potential ideas that will enable you to begin enjoying the many benefits a successful online home based business can bring if you should choose to proceed.
They also provide extensive and
verifiable proof
of their claims of success that will convince even the greatest of skeptics as to the effectiveness, credibility, and unlimited growth potential that Site Build It provides. Combine that with the caring and "We Want You To Succeed" nature of the SBI team, and you have not only a powerful arsenal of tools that empowers you to succeed in your own home based business venture, but more importantly succeeding at doing what you love to do, and in a BIG way.
team has a vested interest in helping each person that utilizes their products and services succeed. Unlike many companies, Site Build Its' continued success is based totally upon repeat and referral type business that is generated through their existing clients and their
affiliate program
In a world of so many choices and with so much hype promoted on the internet these days, it can be difficult to know who to trust, which products will actually live up to their claims and will allow you to accomplish your most sought after goals and dreams.
When it comes to home based business, Site Build It! blows past all the smoke and mirrors hype and will show you not only proof of their success, but explain in detail how and why they can boast such powerful results, and why so many other companies can't and don’t even come close to providing the real world results in the form of success that SBIers enjoy.
Don't Be Fooled By Cheap Domain Hosting Companies
There are many companies that sell $9.95 a month web hosting, claiming that you can build a web site and be up and running in no time, but what they don’t tell you is all the extras that you’ll need to successfully manage, promote and get visitors to your site. A successful internet business entails a lot more than just web hosting and having a web site.
That is another HUGE plus with Site Build It! They handle all of the highly technical computer geek like stuff for you like search engine submission etc. so you can stay focused on growing your business. There are MANY companies that charge FAR MORE just to submit your site to search engines than Site Build It charges for their entire package!!
Regardless of what type of business you choose, or even if you are trying to expand your existing off line brick and mortar business by bringing it into the online world, Site Build It! has the step by step blueprint that will allow you to begin the process with complete confidence and become an online expert in no time regardless of your current knowledge or technical skills. Site Build It! delivers real world results and for a whole let less than you can even imagine!
Whether a complete novice to the idea of home based business or a seasoned webmaster, if you are considering building a website for ANY type of online home based business, you’ll definitely want to check out Site Build It! prior to making any final decisions. 70% of all Site Build It! sites rank in the top 3% of the major search engines rankings compared to 99% of all non-SBI sites that fail. There's a VERY GOOD reason and you'll certainly want to find out why. You’ll be so glad you did.
Having your very own profit generating website increases your chances for success exponentially and there is NO other company that provides so much for so little as Site Build It.
Take the Risk-Free, SBI One-Month Test Drive.
Regardless of what your home based business idea may be or what type of online business you would like to start or grow, Site Build It! can provide you with everything you need to make your home based business or existing business dreams a reality.
Imagine The Possibilities
Imagine how it would feel to be able to begin making a living doing what you love to do.
Think of the extra time that would be available to you which would enable you to spend more time doing the things that bring joy to your life.
Visualize the endless possibilities and additional freedom you could experience by having your very own successful online business.
The potential is infinite and Site Build It! makes it all possible by providing almost everything you need to reach your goals and make your most cherished hopes and dreams a reality.
What do I mean by almost everything? Let me clarify...
Site Build It! provides EVERYTHING you need to build a high ranking revenue generating website and ALL the knowledge, tools and support that is needed to make it a HUGE success in a simple and easy to follow step by step action plan.
All that's missing is YOU and Your Passion!
Try it risk free and find out for yourself.
For Further Research and Study
Below are some links for you to check out depending on your specific needs and goals for your upcoming online venture.
SBI Case Studies
See how REAL people achieved REAL results in many various home based business models and used the simplicity and power of Site Build It to get there.
If you are considering an
affiliate business
model for your site, check out this Site Build It! case study of the actions performed by Ruppert Farrow, an assistant of Alan Gardyne, founder of, who with absolutely ZERO site building experience, successfully built, grew, and documented each step of his site building process using Site Build It! and look at his results since doing so!
If you're considering an online home based business but aren't certain that Site Build It can do what you need it to contact the team of
SBI Advisors
and Talk, E-Mail or live Chat with a real live Site Build It! owner. They are more than happy to answer ANY questions you may have regarding your current or potential online business, and will help you decide if Site Build It! can provide you with the home based business building solutions that you're seeking.
Not Sure What You Want To Do?
Have you considered starting a home based business but your not sure what you would do? Check out the many options available to you that you may not have even realized existed. This will get those creative juices flowing!
For InfoPreneurs
Everybody knows something about something. The net is full of people seeking information regarding a huge range of subjects. Turn your specialized knowledge from work experience, hobbies, passions, or pastimes into an income generating information business regardless of what it is. Take it from thousands of work from home Moms and Dads,The possibilities for a home based business are endless!
Turn Your Passions, Hobbies, or Interests Into A Business
If you're thinking you would enjoy an online business of your very own but not sure what to do or how to do it, this may get your creative juices flowing.
You can literally build an online empire doing what you love to do! You'll be surprised to find that many things that you already know through hobbies, special interests, knowledge,life experience, etc. can be turned into an income generating website that will not only provide residual income for years to come, but also allow you to have your very own income producing home based business and website doing what you Love!
When you are empowered to do that, your work is no longer work!
Affiliate Marketing
If you have a desire to work from home on the internet but don't have a product or service to sell, incorporating affiliate marketing into your home based business is the answer. Find out how easy it is to join the ranks of thousands of work at home moms and dads.
For Current Brick and Mortar Business Owners
If a home based business isn't appealing to you but you currently own a small business and would like to learn how to grow your local, national, or worldwide clientel and your profits, you'll definitely want to check out this page.
Site Build It! can show you how to take your off line business online and grow your current business exponentially!
For Network Marketers
If you are currently into network marketing or are considering a home based business in the area of network marketing, this page will show you how to reach an audience of 1.08 BILLION potential customers with much less effort than conventional means.
No more having to corner potential prospects and having to face and deal with continual rejection.
Allow your Site Build It website to do all the selling and explaining for you!
For Online Auctioners
If you are currently doing online auctions or would like to learn how to begin taking advantage of this incredibly profitable industry, and turn it into a home based business check out this page.
Current E-Bay auctioneers will find this especially interesting!
For Service Sellers
If you currently offer a service ranging any where from Doctor to lawn care specialist, and would like to expand your existing service business, you'll want to read this page.
Site Build It! can show you how to develop and become a strong online presence to increase your current business dramatically.
Work From Home Opportunities
If you have a desire to work from home but aren't sure what type of home based business you would like to begin or how to accomplish it, check out this page.
You'll be amazed at the many ways that you can develop a successful online business that you weren't even aware existed.
Learn how to turn your Passions into Profits with a home based business doing what you love, and help others at the same time.
It really is possible to turn your work into play!
Regardless of what your reasons or goals are for wanting to create a successful and rewarding home based business or online business venture, Site Build It! can assist you in Making Your Most Lofty Goals and Cherished Dreams a Reality!
Allow them to show you how! You'll be glad you did.
It is our sincere hope that the information shared in this article has assisted you in some way and might bring you one step closer to fulfilling your dream of living a Fulfilling, Joyous, and Prosperous life.
What we choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness.
Discover How I Built This Site
With ZERO Website Building Experience
Take Me To The
Affiliate Marketing Article
Finished With SBI
Take Me To The Home Page
Site Map
Each of the resources recommended in the Solo Build It article and throughout has been personally tested and approved by the founder as a credible and effective means of accomplishing it's intended purpose. Any and all guarantees are handled through the company that provides the resource.
Copyright © 2005-2008, The Solo Build It Article and all content on is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the author. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
End Of Solo Build It Article