Spiritual Teachers and Leaders of the Age

by ML
(Central Alberta Canada)

I was watching PBS a while back and Wayne Dyer, mentioned that some list had named him the third most Spiritual man on the planet. He named the others ahead of him and made happy references to their names. He did not mention Deepak Chopra. ( whom I read faithfully) I thought that was strange, because Deepak and Wayne work together often.

Today when you brought back the Enlightened Journey E-Zine I realized how much I appreciated your writing, and the many articles that last me all month.

I recall asking if you were ever going to write a book. I would love to have a copy.

Today coming back to the website is like coming home to visit and old friend. I realize how much you contribute to my well being, and how much I appreciate your input toward my spiritual guidance.

I think we should start a NEW list of most prominent Spiritual Teachers Leaders and I want to put your name at the top of the list Leave Your Own Comments By Clicking Here

Chuck's response to ML...

Hello ML,

Thank You so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences here with me and the community.

A book is and has been in the works but still in the process of being completed. Part of the delay is due to restructuring the Enlightened Journey E-Zine and creating some additional things that I believe will have a greater impact than a book.

Doing that required redirecting my focus for a time. But rest assured, it is coming and I’ll be notifying the community when the time is right.

Thank You too for your kind words. I’m grateful, yet at the same time humbled by your perspective regarding my “work.” Saying that I’m pleased that it impacts and plays a positive role in your life would be an understatement. In fact it’s safe to say I “love that” and your willingness to share your thoughts and experiences regarding its impact on you means more than you may know.

Regarding being awesome…well, as you gleaned from the newsletter, we ALL are I believe. And as far as where on “the list” I fall, I’m just grateful and happy to be on it. Where on it I fall isn’t as important to me as KNOWING that what I’m doing makes a positive difference in the lives of those it does reach.

So Thank You again ML and KNOW that I believe you are AWESOME too as we all are in our own unique, awesome and amazing way.

Welcome home too. It's great to have you back.






Enlightened Journey Enterprises
11821 SW 3rd Street
Yukon, OK 73099
Phone - 405-494-7593
Fax - 405-494-7604

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