The Whisper
By Chuck Danes I heard a whisper today as I thought about you
A whisper from Love due to what you’re going through It was an unspoken whisper, unlike physical talk
It came through me to assure you, “You’re not alone on this walk”
Though my limited words could never express The unfailing nature of Love’s sweet caress Love nudged me...She whispered to reach out to you With empathy, caring and a heart hug or two
The depth of such whispers, mere words can’t convey The limits of language leave much left to say But I’ll do all I’m able, do the best I can do And share from my heart what I heard coming through
"On this human pathway, there are things you'll go through Loss, grief and sadness can overwhelm you Yet my Love’s always faithful, all things work for good Amongst those who precede you, that’s SO understood
The losses you feel, can create human pain
A common reaction on your human plain
Yet beyond it there's comfort that can't be described
My unfailing Love, in all souls it abides
It is Love all pervasive, there's nowhere it's not
Yet that KNOWING gets blurry when you're feeling distraught Know this and find comfort, your loved one is near
Any pain is imagined, there's nothing to fear
I know of your heartache and I see your tears
Yet both only happen by dwelling on fears
They both stem from worry, created in mind
They can blind you to Love, the Unconditional kind
Love's felt in your heart not heard in your head
The comfort that's found there replaces the dread
To some it's too simple, it may seem untrue
Yet beliefs such as those can be troubling to you
The wisdom is timeless the promise holds true My Love, grace and guidance are all around you As those who precede you, who've stepped through the veil Would joyfully tell you, Love always prevails
What you view as death is truly new life No pain, fear or sadness, the absence of strife There’s awe, peace and comfort and a heavenly view We rejoice with your loved ones, yet our hearts ache for you
Though absent in body, your loved ones remain The connection not severed because Love never wanes In heart, soul and spirit, though they watch from the throne They’re always there with you and you're never alone
You can reach out and touch them when you’re feeling the blues
Recall the fond memories whenever you choose.
So do all your able and choose as you will
Just know loved ones who leave you are joy filled and still
They look down upon you and root for your good
They know of your heartache, though prefer that you would
Think of their lives in a fond, joyful way
Embrace, feel the Love that they send you each day"
There you go, there’s the whisper that I felt coming through
The message from Love that was meant just for you So mourn if you must and do what you will
Yet those who await us prefer pain to be nil
I've been down this pathway and I do know your pain Yet the Light shines so brightly beyond all the rain So with compassion and caring I offer to you My thoughts, love and comfort as this storm passes through
My prayers, they are with you and your family who mourn That you might see the rose and not feel the thorn Although I know little, what I do know is this God’s Love, will and Grace…never, ever miss
Though mere words leave a void and there’s much left to say My heart says “enough”, for you know the way I just wanted to tell you, that Love's with you today In heart, mind and spirit as you walk this pathway