Winning The Wealth Creation Game

You Already Have Everything You Need To Create Wealth...It's Simply A Matter Of Understanding How To Utilize It...Consciously...Consistently...and...Effortlessly

Rule #1 In The Wealth Creation Game...

"Becoming Consciously Aware of The Seed Level"

Kudos and congratulations to you for showing up here. The fact that you did shows that you MAY very well be really serious about playing full out, learning the rules and winning the wealth creation game.

I'm impressed. VERY impressed actually.


Simply because as I stated on the previous page, EVERYBODY claims they WANT to win the wealth creation game. But for any number of "seemingly justifiable reasons", (which are truly nothing more than excuses in disguise) few will show up long enough, let alone take the time to learn the strategies and rules which enable them to play the game in a way that I KNOW can and will enable ANYONE to win BIG by simply choosing to.

More specifically choosing consciously, intentionally and purposefully.

You DID show up here, so congrats to you for doing that. You've made a choice that MANY don't, simply because MOST don't see, and a result don't change, the way they HAVE BEEN doing things.

That's why the VAST majority keep experiencing the "same ole" mediocre results as the vast majority does, all the while thinking and believing that wealth is reserved for the "lucky and fortunate few."

I happen to KNOW that we make our own luck and CHOOSE (or not) to BE one the fortunate. Point being...YOU are one step ahead of MOST just because you DID show up.

Now...let's make it worth your while, shall we?

Here, we're going to cover Rule # 1 in the wealth creation game. Actually it's Rule #1 and strategy #1 rolled into a single step. I mentioned this step and strategy on the previous page, but it's SO important I'm going to mention it again.

Do you recall me saying that to create change, whether it be in the area of material and monetary wealth or otherwise, that changes were going to HAVE to be made? If you do, you also remember that I said that the change begins and ends with you.

More specifically, I stated that you're going to have to change your mind. It's going to be necessary to create desired transformation by first "Being transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Remember that?

Here's why it's SO vitally important...

Most "believe" that the wealth creation game is played out and won only by and through their physical efforts and actions. Perhaps that's even what you yourself believe at this point.

Although you can hold on to that belief if you choose, there IS a much easier and far more rewarding way to win at the Wealth Creation Game.

What is this way?

Quite simply...Winning the wealth creation Game begins by understanding this...

"Your 'Inner Success' is Fundamental To Creating Your Outer Success."

It's a fact that the mass majority "perceive" that wealth is created through "doingness" alone, meaning through strictly "physical" effort.

We're taught throughout life that "getting things", whether it be material wealth or anything else for that matter, happens as the result of what we do.

Granted, that's what most EVERYONE is taught and precisely why MOST never achieve any level of significant and lasting wealth...because they choose to buy into and allow the mindset of the mass majority to determine the kind and quality of their lives.

Don't misunderstand. DOING is necessary, but it's NOT the first step in winning the wealth creation game. That comes later. There are some steps that precede doing to enable and allow the game to be won. Not only that, it enables and allows it to be won in a FAR MORE pleasing way with FAR LESS expended effort of a "displeasing nature."

But that's where most start. That's what most do. That's why so few win the game as we ALL want to.

Why do so many do that if it's not the simplest, easiest and best way? It's very simple really.

They allow those in their immediate circle of influence, who have no clue what is necessary to win at the wealth creation game themselves, to "tell them" what's necessary to win the game. Many will tell you that it's not even feasible, possible or logical for them at all to even think they could amass wealth.

That's why so many believe it and never engage or play to see if they can. Because they've allowed others to tell them what's possible or not possible, they listen, believe it and never play.

They get to be right. They don't get to play and they don't get to win. Not because they can't but rather because they choose not to based on the beliefs of others.

Then there's another group who do "believe" that wealth is attainable and possible for them, yet "believe" that to acquire it requires hard work, struggle and excessive effort.

Although a step ahead of those who never play the game, they have a "flawed" understanding of what's required to win and what is necessary to achieve it.

Point's crucial that you recognize the importance of becoming an "independent thinker." To learn and understand that there is a reason why the worlds wealthy are such a small minority and the vast majority aren't wealthy.

Put another way, it's imperative to recognize and break away from what I like to call a "sheeple people" mentality. And I can assure you that MOST follow and adhere to this same "sheeple people mentality.

This is precisely why the mass majority IS the mass majority and experience results that the mass majority does!!

Because they choose to follow and do what the mass majority does. This is why the mass majority spend so MANY years working so hard, attempting to do more in a "physical sense" and still wind up as poverty statistics when they reach what are "suppose to be" their golden years.

Although you have been provided an inalienable right of free will to choose whichever path you desire for yourself, if you "truly" hope to master and consistently win at the wealth creation break free from the "status quo" become one of the's going to be necessary....imperative in fact that you begin doing something other than the mass majority do.

There's one major but very simple difference between those who consistently win the wealth creation game and those who struggle so hard yet never arrive.

Do you know what that one thing is?

Those who consistently win choose to "think differently" than those who don't. They make a "conscious choice" to think for themselves.

You can, if you choose continue to work hard and struggle through life producing the same limited outcomes that the mass majority does based solely on "physical effort" or you choosing a far more simple, less effortless, more fulfilling, far more rewarding and much more fun path, begin experiencing outcomes that are achieved with FAR LESS individual physical effort that will, without fail yield FAR GREATER and MUCH easier to acquire results.

Should you choose this way for yourself, you'll not only discover first hand how much easier winning the wealth creation can be, BUT you'll also discover and experience for yourself just how rewarding, fulfilling and fun it can be as you're playing!!

Amazingly the more fun it becomes, the easier it becomes.

What do you currently "perceive" and believe to be necessary? Do you "think" that winning the wealth creation game is even possible for you? And if you do, do you "believe" that it requires hard work, struggle and excessive effort to achieve it?

If so, WHY do you believe it? Because it's "true" or because you have been taught that it's true? Is it due to your personal experiences? And if so, consider the fact that your personal experiences have unfolded precisely as you "believed" and "perceived" they would.

It's important to understand that your beliefs and perceptions regarding the game will create outcomes that harmonize perfectly with whatever those beliefs and perceptions are.

If they've been formed based on "less than true" teachings, it doesn't mean that they're "true" in the bigger scheme of only means that they've proven to be true for you simply because you've believed them to be true.

Although granted the vast majority have been taught and led to believe that winning the game is really really hard and requires displeasing and excessive "doingness", it doesn't make it "true."

I can assure you...There is much more to mastering and winning the game of wealth creation than excessive and displeasing physical "doingness" and it's far less effortless to achieve than most have become "conditioned" throughout their lives to believe.

Maybe you have had small victories as you've played your game. Maybe you've had what most would consider to be large victories. Maybe even, you haven't experienced any victories at all.

It doesn't matter what your individual outcomes have been to this point...regardless of how small or regardless of how large and grand they might be, there's always more to win...always another game, always bigger and better outcomes...greater victories.

Unless you've won the Super Bowl or the World Series there's more to win.

If you're reading this, chances are pretty good that you want to achieve bigger and better victories. That you understand the game can become more intense...more fun and bigger rewards can be won.

Maybe you've achieved a level of monetary comfort but aren't experiencing harmony in the other essential areas of your life.

There are an infinite number of scenarios that we could look at and examine. There's equally as many unique circumstances that you may be personally experiencing.

For the sake of simplicity and because it's the vast majority who are experiencing far less than they have a desire to specifically in the area of financial wealth, we'll be looking at why most experience lack and fall short of winning in this essential aspect of the wealth creation game.

We'll examine why it's important to learn how to harmonize all aspects of the game in order to become true champions rather than accumulating material wealth due to hard work and struggle.

Although material wealth can be and often is gained through hard work and struggle, it's not done without sacrificing in other areas of life. We're dealing with more than material or monetary wealth here. That's only an aspect of the game. We're going to be playing the wealth creation game in a way that enables us to really win. Not just a portion of the game...the WHOLE game.

We're talking about creating "Real Wealth" which is experiencing harmony in the physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual areas of life which the vast majority do lack.

Let's look specifically at the area of monetary wealth since it such a popular topic...

Although many "believe" that a lack of financial resources is due to some single or multiple external events, conditions or circumstances outside of their control, the "real reason" is…

Wealth creation or the lack of in your outer world is simply a mirrored reflection of what's going on in your inner world!

A Lack Of Financial Or Material Resources
Is Never The Problem!!

Although many are currently experiencing far less than desired outcomes in the area of finances, a lack of money isn't the problem. It's never the problem!! A lack of financial resources is merely a symptom of something deeper...some underlying cause that is conflicting with the materialization of the desired outcome whether it be money or any other form of lack that an individual might be experiencing.

External physical outcomes...meaning what can be seen and experienced in the physical world...more specifically in your life, exist and are made possible as the result of something going on much deeper within yourself which is unseen and all too often unnoticed.

Discord and disharmony can only exist if there is something that is conflicting with the desired outcome...that something is what's going on within you!

I'm going to ask that you stretch your imagination for a moment, step outside of your current "perception" of reality with regard to money specifically, giving no mind to your current financial situation or the results being experienced by those in your immediate circle of influence.

I'm going to ask you to venture out and look outside of where you might currently find yourself in relation to money specifically in the hope that you'll begin to see and understand for yourself that lack and limitation financially or otherwise is non existent in the world around you.

There's An "Infinite Supply" Of Money

Trillions of dollars circulate and flow in the worlds financial system. There is certainly no lack of money. Abundance and plenty is everywhere and easily observable in the physical world both monetarily and otherwise.

Whenever a lack of financial resources is being experienced, the "real" issue isn't that there's a lack of financial resources, the issue is that you haven't discovered how to "consciously" claim your share.

Sure you might work really hard and "really try" to create some financial comfort in your life as the mass majority do, but wealth creation isn't achieved solely through hard work and trying. In fact these "could be" precisely what is keeping the creation and attainment of wealth from you.

This claiming of wealth isn't done by attempting to work harder and longer at a job that you find displeasing. It is done by becoming aware of what's going on within you...the thoughts, beliefs and emotions you hold with regard to finances as well as your ability or inability to see yourself as worthy of receiving your share.

Believe it or not, lack in the area of money or anything else is more times than not due to a lack of understanding your worth...your "true worth."

We'll be covering the significance of self worth and self esteem in more depth as we progress and how it ties into what we'll be covering here, but for now let's get to the core issue that is creating whatever outcomes you might currently be experiencing.

Although hard work, struggle and "trying" really hard might produce some temporary and finite physical results, the fastest and only way to permanently change your financial situation or any other area of your life for that matter on the outside, and to retain that change "long term" is to first change what's going on on the inside.

Creating the internal harmony that attracts wealth, whether monetarily or otherwise has very little to do with hard work, nothing to do with struggle and trying...and EVERYTHING to do with learning to "allow" wealth to flow to you!!

This "allowing" begins at the "seed level" which is the quality of consciousness that you choose to other words, it's only dependent on the quality of your thinking which is the "starting point" where all physical things are derived from.

This is one of the most crucial yet at the same time most overlooked and misunderstood aspects of consistently winning at the wealth creation game. It's precisely why those who experience "Real Wealth" and harmony in the physical, financial, relational, emotional AND the spiritual areas of their lives are only a small minority...They understand something that the majority doesn't and DO what the mass majority won't.

They simply develop a "mindset" that makes the wealth creation game quite easy to win.

Make NO mistake...

The wealth creation game starts on the inside and the physical manifestation of wealth shows up, often times in ways that are "perceived" to be magical or "effortlessly" due to conscious and intentional choices made by you to align and harmonize what's going on within you with the physical manifestation of whatever it might be that you desire to be experience.

Put another way..

The Kind And Quality Of Your Consciousness Serves As "The Seed" and Determines With Unwavering Certainty...Without Fail The Kind And Quality Of Your Life (The Harvest) Whether Physically, Financially, Relationally, Emotionally Or Spiritually

Getting Clear On The True Nature Of Wealth,
Money and Where It ALL Comes From

Before we get into specifics as to how to begin consistently winning the wealth creation game, let's get really clear on what wealth is. What it "really" is.

Although many confuse wealth with having some predefined amount of money and material 'stuff', having money and "stuff" is only a very small, limited and short sighted view of a much bigger picture. Money and stuff are "finite" in nature. Although money and the material things that it can be traded for is a necessary and extremely important aspect of experiencing real wealth in the physical world, it is merely aspect of wealth.

"Real Wealth Creation" is achieved by first becoming aware of where "real wealth" is derived from, and once this "awareness" is established, harmonizing with the flow which brings it to you, consciously focusing on the materialization of your desired outcomes and taking the "inspired" actions that show up as a result...actions that resonate with and "feel good" to you, which enable you to attract, create and experience that harmony for yourself in physical form.

Although you may or may not currently understand it, whatever you are currently experiencing is being drawn to you because of this "flow" that I mention.

It doesn't matter what area of your life it is, the creation of every outcome in the physical world, whether desired or undesired has an underlying cause which many consistently overlook. All things seen today, regardless of what they are, were at some point prior to their creation unseen.

Although these desired or undesired outcomes may have been undetectable with the limitations of the 5 physical senses initially...meaning you couldn't experience them at the "physical" level, prior to someone conceptualizing their physical existence, the potential for their manifestation...meaning the probability of their existence was already present.

Where were they derived from?

They began at the level of consciousness. They began as a ideal conceived by those responsible for their creation at the thought level. Anything and everything in your physical world was first "thought of" prior to you being able to see and experience it in physical form.

Once conceived, "thought of" and the belief held regarding it's creation was aligned and "harmonized" with this original thought, the physical appearance of whatever it might have been was followed through on and made possible as a result of the inspired action that followed which enabled the manifestation of the thing thought of to become "real."

The "flow", the events, conditions and circumstances that we experience that the flow brings to us is dependent on us. It's determined by what we think, what we choose to focus on.

This is where "Real Wealth" and true power lies. It's not in the physical appearance of or the accumulation of a specific amount of's NOT in the area of doingness...but rather the area of "beingness."

Nothing happens, ever has happened or ever will happen that isn't first a conceptualization in the mind of those creating the outcome.

It works precisely the same way whether it's a physical creation in the form of an invention as it does with how each area of your life unfolds whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually.

Harmony in ALL areas of your life on the outside are achieved by choosing to develop a harmony on the inside. This harmony is achieved and communicated at the level of consciousness.

What you conceive in mind, the predominant method of thinking that you choose determines what will show up and be experienced in your physical world.

The "flow" is always flowing. There is no block in the flow ever. We often "perceive" this flow as being blocked simply because it is delivering to us the polar opposite of what is desired.

To win the wealth creation game is simply a matter of "consciously" choosing and allowing the flow to deliver to us outcomes that harmonize with that consciously chosen and "desired" choice. It ALWAYS does. can't hope to win at the wealth creation game simply by "thinking it" into existence, but it is the first crucial step which all preceding steps will harmonize with perfectly.

It's a process. An unfailing and unwavering process. The most essential part of the process to recognize and consciously adjust is the at the seed level...what determines the "flow" and then follow up with certain actions that complete the cycle, that enable the flow to deliver "desired" outcomes.

Here's how that looks...


Winning the Wealth Creation Game or any aspect of it is precisely the same. It MUST begin at the level of the level of thought just as the lack of wealth too MUST and does begin at the level of thought.

As Napoleon Hill stated..."Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve."

Or as one of the great spiritual masters Jesus stated..."As you believe, so shall you receive."

Or another great spiritual master from a different culture stated, namely Buddha..."All that we are is the result of what we have thought. With our thoughts we make our world."

What the "flow" delivers is always harmonized with our conceptualizations, our beliefs, our thoughts.

It doesn't matter if you study the teachings of the masters, look at the most recent groundbreaking scientific discoveries or take a deeper look at nature, the same holds "true"...

ALL things begin at the level of consciousness!!

This is one of the most fundamental and essential aspects of winning the wealth creation game that so many overlook, fail to apply or just choose to ignore altogether.

They choose to skip the most essential step of consciously and intentionally directing their thoughts, conceiving the ideal...the thing thought of...and then elevating the "belief" that harmonizes with the materialization of the desired outcome and as a result continue to experience the same mediocre kinds of outcomes.

The result? They continue experiencing lack and limitation or working and trying "really hard" yet only continue to produce mediocre and hard earned results at best.

It's not that the "flow" is shut off. The flow is only delivering what you are allowing it to through your consistent focus, your predominant method of thinking and the beliefs you choose to hold which is producing the quality of the thought.

It's simply a choice...

The Wealth Creation Game is both won or lost as the result of your thoughts and beliefs with regard to it.

There is no difference between the two with regard to an outcome with the exception of your individual perception with regard to it. Both winning and losing are creations which are created and unfold perfectly based on your individual choices.

The process NEVER fails or wavers. The "flow" never stops. Creation is constant and ALWAYS perfect.

The only difference in what is being created...the one of degree.

In other words choosing to keep your predominant focus on poverty and lack, creates poverty and lack in your physical lose. Choosing to keep your predominant focus on the creation of wealth produces wealth in your win.

In actuality neither is "truly" winning or losing. It's only your perceptions and judgments regarding the outcome that gives it any "realness" or meaning for you individually.

Your perception of winning or losing isn't right or wrong, good or bad in the bigger scheme of things. It's simply a creation that you create through your own choices which is determined by what you choose to focus on and is further supported by how you choose to "perceive" the outcomes that you've created.

Both are creations that YOU determine through your predominant method of thinking.

Whatever outcomes you might currently be experiencing are only being experienced due to the quality of consciousness that you choose with regard to them and the belief that you choose to hold onto regarding their creation whether it be the absence of them or the certainty of their physical manifestation.

To experience bigger and better results in your consistently win at the wealth creation game is as simple as developing the ability to conceptualize the desired outcome and heighten the belief with regard to YOU being able to experience whatever the outcome might be.

Once this "belief" is established, the quality of consciousness heightened, the emotions that harmonize with this "new way of thinking" are ignited, THEN and ONLY then do the ways and means to make them "real" begin showing up. You literally ATTRACT them just as you attract the undesirable things that you may be currently experiencing!!

That is when the inspired action to make them "real" comes into play.

Although EVERY outcome being experienced in life is being experienced as a result of this very same process, most are attracting and creating these outcomes "unconsciously" fully believing that they are happening as the result of some random and uncontrollable external process that they have no say so or control over.

This is expressed in different ways among various groups. Some "perceive" themselves to be "Cut off from God"...others "perceive" that the flow has been cut off...others that it was "unanswered prayer" and just not meant to be...that they aren't good enough or "worthy of" receiving. Still others "perceive" that life is chaotic and random, based on luck, fate or chance.

Perhaps you believe one of these as well. You certainly have that ability if you choose. You can choose to think and "perceive" whatever you like. But is it serving you? Is it bringing to you "desired" results?" Is it harmonizing with what you "truly" desire or harmonizing with what you don't desire?

It's not my intent to change your beliefs. It's not my intent to tell you what is right or wrong for you. It is my intent to share a message to assist you in becoming conscious and enhancing the quality of your life. To shine a light of hope and provide direction that I personally "know" is powerfully effective and transformative.

You can if you choose, continue to remain in the dark fully believing that this is how things work and surrender the creative power provided to you, "perceiving that the events, people, conditions, circumstances in your external world are the reason for your situation or you can begin accepting and taking responsibility..."consciously" enhancing your response-ability and begin taking conscious control.

There is no right or wrong way. One choice isn't good and the other bad. It's simply a matter of choice...your choice. The only difference is that one choice will enable you to begin "effortlessly" winning at the wealth creation game consistently and the other choice won't.

It's simply an individual choice that you have the ability as well as every right to make or not make for yourself.

It's also important to understand that not making any choice at all is choosing to keep producing the same kind of results. That's OK too if that's what you choose. That's the real beauty of life. We get to choose how it unfolds for us individually.

I'm going to assume that since you're reading this that you do choose to make changes...that you are open to forming different perceptions...willing to begin making "conscious choices" and are both open and willing to do something different than you have been doing so you can begin experiencing more of the outcomes that you desire to experience.

If so, first of all..congratulations. That choice in and of itself puts you in the minority category. It conveys a willingness on your part to become conscious and break out of the self limiting, victim mentality "think tank" that the vast majority choose to remain in all the while "perceiving" the outcomes experienced as a result as being random or the result of fate or chance or any other number of infinite possibilities.

Let's look at why that's not "true" in the bigger scheme of things and what you can begin to do to begin personally experiencing bigger and better results as we progress in discovering how to consistently win the Wealth Creation Game.

The Wealth Creation Game Is Won By Choosing To Consciously Keep Your ATTENTION On Your INTENTION

To create wealth you must set your Intention on having wealth, consistently focus your Attention ON the attainment of wealth which enacts the unwavering and immutable process of Universal Law, that without fail attracts and creates the "perfect" circumstances in the way of ideas, people, conditions and resources for creating the wealth you desire in whatever amounts that you have the ability to conceptualize and believe in to show up.

Although action is necessary to create wealth, physical action isn't the first and only step necessary to make wealth creation a reality for you. The creation of wealth begins at the consciousness level and the physical actions taken must harmonize with that intention if you ever hope to create and experience wealth.

Physical action that you find unpleasant or difficult isn't in harmony with winning the wealth creation game. When you are conscious and intentional in the desired outcome, the ways and means to create that outcome begin showing up and "feel good and right" to you.

With your Intention clearly defined and your Attention properly focused, the ways, means, people and circumstances to take physical action on...which IS required to make whatever is desired a physical reality begin showing up often times in ways that are considered magical and/or coincidentally which when recognized and acted upon enable the "desired" result to be experienced in your life.

So yes...physical action IS required but more times than not in the vast majority of cases it's NOT the kind of physical action that the vast majority choose to take. In fact the vast majority "dislike" what they do!! They find that the actions they are currently taking are unfulfilling, unrewarding and "feel" bad in fact.

That's why this first step is SO essential. It enables you to "attract" ways and means that you love and find enjoyable which puts you miles ahead of the majority making the wealth creation game MUCH easier to win.

The most essential and crucial aspect of winning the wealth creation game is this...

Consciously Choosing To Focus Your Attention On Your Intention To Create Wealth And Wealth Creation Becomes Effortless

Don't confuse "effortless" with no action. Effortless creation is simply creating based on what you love to do. When you're taking action doing what you love, is it work? Is it displeasing? Does it seem like struggle? NO!!

It's "loving" what you do which makes it "seem" effortless.

Your Desires Are Nothing More Than Already Existing Probabilities Waiting For You To Accept and Experience Them

Anything and everything that can be conceived and desired (loved) in mind already exists. In fact it's already yours.

You have desires because those desires are seeking to be expressed in your life. You have a desire to win the wealth creation game because you are suppose to experience what it feels like in your life.

Many have allowed others, based on teachings that have been handed down from generation to generation, (traditionally established "False" beliefs) to dramatically limit the kind and quality of life that they have the ability as well as been provided the birthright to experience.

They have unknowingly allowed others to degrade and downplay the creation and experience of their "desired" outcomes and have chosen to buy into the perceptions and opinions of those who have taught them that such things are illogical, impossible, far fetched and/or unreasonable.

They've allowed the perceptions and opinions of others to determine and become their beliefs and as a result never venture outside of the self limiting boundaries that they have allowed themselves to be imprisoned and limited remain bound by external influences and choosing to ignore the individual desires that they "feel" or at some point in the past have felt within themselves.

Based on these choices, they have allowed and enabled what are often referred to as "comfort zones" to be created based on these limited perspectives, which is precisely what keeps their originally conceived desires from ever being fulfilled.

Now I'm not certain about you but I don't personally "perceive" lack as comfort. I don't believe you do either. Yet at the same time that's precisely what so many choose for themselves. They get "comfortable" with the beliefs that they have acquired and "choose" to hold onto the very beliefs and perceptions that are creating the lack.

To get out of this "zone" it's going to be necessary to break out of the cycle that's creating it.

Breaking Through The Self Limiting Cycle

Although there is a way out...a way to begin seeing and experiencing your individually held desires being fulfilled, choices are going to have to be made ..."conscious choices"...that will enable you to begin creating and experiencing different results.

You simply have to learn how to begin doing things differently and make a choice to begin "consciously and consistently applying" what you learn. NOT "doing" from the physical perspective, but by first becoming "consciously aware" of where ALL things physical are derived from, intentionally allowing this new found understanding to permeate you at a "subconscious" level and once accomplished consciously choosing and intentionally harmonizing your thought, words and actions with this "higher way of thinking" that enables the desired outcomes to be experienced.

Choosing this way of "doing" things will enable you to change the cycle that will enable you to begin creating "desired" results.

Wealth Creation or any other outcome experienced in your life begins and is achieved by first understanding, harmonizing with and once achieved consciously applying the principles discovered at the "seed level"...the level of cause.

If you ever hope to break the cycle, it's simply a matter of learning and choosing to do things differently than what you have been doing to this point.

It's not so much a learning as it is an "unlearning" of the limiting beliefs and perceptions formed and held by you, which has molded and shaped the current beliefs that are responsible for enabling you to, or are keeping you from experiencing whatever desires you may hold for yourself on an individual basis.

Once you begin to understand how each of the events, conditions and circumstances in your life unfold and make the necessary adjustments, namely learning to consciously and consistently focus your attention on your intention, you'll begin to see those desired outcomes take physical form. You'll begin to understand and experience just how much fun and effortless this wealth creation game can be and just how easily and effortlessly it can be won.

It like everything else begins with a single step.

The first step is making a firm decision to do something about it. Not a "we'll see" type decision...not an "I'll try" type decision...a firm and unwavering decision to make the necessary adjustments that will break the current cycle.

The next step necessary in making those adjustments is to discover and understand that your thoughts, like EVERYTHING else, are simply energy which serve as the creative seed and draw to you what you think most about.

Those predominantly focused thought processes with strong emotion attached to them intensify the projection of energy and become powerfully attractive. They literally harmonize with energy of a vibrational match and produce outcomes in physical form that are in direct correlation to what was conceived. Energy flows where attention goes.

This isn't based on theory or's based on scientific fact.

It's been validated by some of the most cutting edge scientific research and based on countless scientific experiments conducted by some of the sharpest and most intelligent minds in the world today.

As you begin to explore and discover these findings you begin to discover that what is being discovered today, aligns perfectly and precisely with timeless wisdom that has been shared and taught by the most accomplished and profoundly enlightened people in the history of the world.

It's simply a matter of being willing to expand your awareness...choosing to "awaken" to how the events, conditions and circumstances in your life are being created and making the necessary "internal shifts" that will enable different outcomes to be experienced.

Now...with that understanding...consider this...

  • Where is it that you keep your predominant "Attention?"

  • Do you remain focused on what you want or keep your predominant attention on what it is that you DON'T want?

  • When you think of acquiring wealth do you see it as experiencing wealth or do you look at it's attainment as the absence of lack and limitation?

  • Do you focus more on creating wealth or do you focus more on not being broke?

  • Do you keep your attention on financial freedom or do you keep your attention on debt reduction?

  • Do you allow the things that you are currently seeing and experiencing in your life to control how you feel and determine what you believe to be possible or not possible for you?

These are EXTREMELY important questions to ask yourself. Essential realizations to come to and the first step necessary to break through the self limiting and self sabotaging cycles that so many "perceive" to be inescapable. Doing so honestly and consistently will provide some incredibly powerful insight that will enable and empower you to begin winning at the wealth creation game.

One thing is certain...the kind and quality of the physical results that you're currently experiencing will answer these questions for you.

Where you currently are isn't important. It's not necessary to think about or dwell on what has created the current circumstances. There's no benefit to looking back and beating yourself up for where you are.

What is important is that you become conscious of where you are now, what you're thinking about in this moment and if you find it disharmonious with creating the "desired" outcomes, simply shift the quality of the thought.

At the same time make certain that your quality of consciousness is in alignment with whatever the desired outcome is. It's your ATTENTION that is stating your INTENTION.

If your predominant focus is on debt, whether the reduction, the absence or the existence of, your ATTENTION is ON debt and communicating your INTENTION (asking) to the Source of your understanding which can only keep you producing and receiving outcomes that conflict with your consciously desired outcome to be out of debt.

Your "Attention" determines and communicates your "Intention" and that is precisely what you are and will continue to receive until you make the choice to become "conscious of" and change the underlying cause...the predominant focus which is attracting and creating the outcome!

You Don't Receive What You Want...You Receive What You're Being...Unconditionally.

Creation does not and cannot happen based on what you want...creation happens based on what you're being...what you are "projecting" through your energetic vibration which is determined by the quality of thoughts and beliefs that you choose for yourself.

This energetic vibration is taking place within you, being projected outward and you attract to you events, conditions and circumstances that harmonize perfectly with what you are choosing for yourself.

Choosing to keep your Attention focused on lack and limitation is "being" in and projecting lack and limitation, communicating to the Source of your understanding your "Intention", and just as you ask, you can and will only attract, create and experience additional lack and limitation.

When you experience this lack and limitation, although you might "perceive" that you're losing the game, that the creation cycle is chaotic, that you're attracting in direct opposition to what you "consciously desire", in reality you're not losing the game at all. You are continuously, and successfully creating something, it's just that due to not being aware, not understanding how the creative cycle unfolds, many are doing so "unconsciously and as a result experiencing outcomes that they "perceive" are contrary to what they are asking for.

The result is that they wind up "believing that they have no control over what's going on in the world around them and end up as the mass majority do, spending the rest of their lives believing they are victims or creatures of circumstance.

You ARE NOT a victim of your are the creator of your circumstances.

You are NOT losing the game, you are simply playing "unconsciously" without understanding the rules and the outcomes you're experiencing as a result of this unawareness is enabling you to form perceptions that attempting to win the game is futile.

You are just playing the wealth creation game unconsciously without knowing what the rules are. It's just that the way you're playing it is creating the opposite of what you consciously desire. WHATEVER it might be that you're experiencing in your life, it is and ALWAYS will be a successful creation.

Make no mistake...Creation NEVER fails or wavers. The cycle is ALWAYS perfect and unwavering.

Your "Attention" states your "Intention" to the Source. Wanting focuses attention on want, communicating an intention of want and can only attract and create more want. Needing focuses attention on need, communicating an intention of need and can only create and keep you in need. Your Attention" on a lack of money states your "Intention", and just as you are asking you are and will continue to receive until you break the cycle. Breaking the cycle is as simple as shifting your focus.

Here's something that few understand...Source ALWAYS says yes.

Just as you receive...Unconditionally.

Keep your "Attention" on having, remain open for the signs that MUST and WILL show up, be willing and ready to take action on those that "feel" right and you will, without fail receive and experience your desired "Intention."

State your intention...remain "consciously" focused on the creation of your intention through your "consciously focused" Attention and learn to remain open and alert as the ways and means to make your desired outcome a reality find you and you'll experience those desires in your life!

There's something else you must understand about the wealth creation game and do if you truly hope to win...

Harmonize The Physical, Mental, Emotional And Spiritual Aspects Of You To Create Real Wealth

There's another extremely important part of the wealth creation game that many overlook.

What is it?

The fact that you are far more than just a physical body. Although your physical body is utilized and necessary to fully experience a physical world and designed to play a "physical role" in your game, there are other aspects of you which determine without fail what that physical experience will be and how the game plays out.

Discovering and becoming aware of these aspects and "consciously" harmonizing them with your desired outcomes will enable you to begin experiencing those outcomes in ways and quantities that you may have previously considered unattainable.

Harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of you will enable and empower you to "effortlessly create" the physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual harmony in your "physical" world.

Make no mistake...

Winning At The Wealth Creation Game Begins On The Inside...

Once You Create Wealth On The "Inside" You'll Experience Wealth On The Outside...It NEVER Fails

You Already Have EVERYTHING You'll Need

There's yet another aspect of this wealth creation game that many aren't aware of. That is that you already possess EVERYTHING you require to win the wealth creation game. There is nothing more you need with the exception of remembering and awakening to what you already know.

Although you know it, it's become buried due to others attempting to teach you how to win the game without fully understanding how themselves. Although they've done this in most cases with all the right intentions, those who taught them how to play the game didn't understand how to win at it either.

You don't necessarily need to relearn the way to win at the wealth creation game, you only need to unlearn the rules that many have told you is the way play it which have kept you from winning at it in the way that you desire.

It's Time To "AWAKEN"...Discover And Become Aware Of The Creative Power That You Hold To Create "Real Wealth" In Every Aspect Of Your Life

"Choose To Become Aware"

ALL Life Is The Result Of Consciousness...YOUR Life Is The Result Of Your Consciousness...The Quality Of Your Thinking. To Create And Experience Real Wealth In Your Life, You Must Only Develop A Wealth Consciousness.

Consciously Harmonizing Your Thoughts With Your Intention To Create Wealth Creates Emotions, Words And Actions Which "Allow" The Creation And Experience Of Wealth To Unfold In Your Life...In Your Physical World..."Effortlessly."

Let's quickly recap...

Consciousness Is "The Key" To The Creation And Experience Of "Real Wealth"...


You Already Hold The Key..."Awaken"...Become Aware And Enter Through The Doorway To "Real Wealth" Creation.

Use "Your Key"...Unlock The Door And Enter Into And Experience "Real Wealth"

Contrary to what you might currently "perceive" to be real or true with regard to wealth creation as it pertains to you personally, know this...

You CAN Be...Do...And Have WHATEVER You Choose To Be..Do...And Have The Choice Of Which You Will Experience...Effortlessly...Without Fail

Awaken...Become Aware...Choose Consciously...Most Importantly..."Enjoy" and "Be Grateful" For EVERY Step Along The Journey.

Commit To Excellence

"The quality of a persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." - Vince Lombardi

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